Get Playlist
Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.
You may not facilitate downloads of Spotify content or enable “stream ripping”
More informationSpotify visual content must be kept in its original form, e.g. you can not crop album artwork, overlay images on album artwork, place a brand/logo on album artwork
More informationPlease keep in mind that metadata, cover art and artist images must be accompanied by a link back to the applicable artist, album, track, or playlist on the Spotify Service. You must also attribute content from Spotify with the logo.
More informationPlease note that you can not use the Spotify Platform or any Spotify Content to train a machine learning or AI model or otherwise ingesting Spotify Content into a machine learning or AI model.
More information
- playlist_idstringRequired
The Spotify ID of the playlist.
- marketstring
An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned.
If a valid user access token is specified in the request header, the country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter.
Note: If neither market or user country are provided, the content is considered unavailable for the client.
Users can view the country that is associated with their account in the account settings.Example:market=ES
- fieldsstring
Filters for the query: a comma-separated list of the fields to return. If omitted, all fields are returned. For example, to get just the playlist''s description and URI:
. A dot separator can be used to specify non-reoccurring fields, while parentheses can be used to specify reoccurring fields within objects. For example, to get just the added date and user ID of the adder:fields=tracks.items(added_at,
. Use multiple parentheses to drill down into nested objects, for example:fields=tracks.items(track(name,href,album(name,href)))
. Fields can be excluded by prefixing them with an exclamation mark, for example:fields=tracks.items(track(name,href,album(!name,href)))
- additional_typesstring
A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default
type. Valid types are:track
Note: This parameter was introduced to allow existing clients to maintain their current behaviour and might be deprecated in the future.
In addition to providing this parameter, make sure that your client properly handles cases of new types in the future by checking against thetype
field of each object.
A playlist
- collaborativeboolean
if the owner allows other users to modify the playlist. - descriptionstringNullable
The playlist description. Only returned for modified, verified playlists, otherwise
. Known external URLs for this playlist.
- spotifystring
The Spotify URL for the object.
Information about the followers of the playlist.
- hrefstringNullable
This will always be set to null, as the Web API does not support it at the moment.
- totalinteger
The total number of followers.
- hrefstring
A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the playlist.
- idstring
The Spotify ID for the playlist.
Images for the playlist. The array may be empty or contain up to three images. The images are returned by size in descending order. See Working with Playlists. Note: If returned, the source URL for the image (
) is temporary and will expire in less than a day.- urlstringRequired
The source URL of the image.
- heightintegerRequiredNullable
The image height in pixels.
- widthintegerRequiredNullable
The image width in pixels.
- namestring
The name of the playlist.
The user who owns the playlist
Known public external URLs for this user.
- spotifystring
The Spotify URL for the object.
Information about the followers of this user.
- hrefstringNullable
This will always be set to null, as the Web API does not support it at the moment.
- totalinteger
The total number of followers.
- hrefstring
A link to the Web API endpoint for this user.
- idstring
The Spotify user ID for this user.
- typestring
The object type.
Allowed values:"user"
- uristring
The Spotify URI for this user.
- display_namestringNullable
The name displayed on the user's profile.
if not available.
- publicboolean
The playlist's public/private status (if it is added to the user's profile):
the playlist is public,false
the playlist is private,null
the playlist status is not relevant. For more about public/private status, see Working with Playlists - snapshot_idstring
The version identifier for the current playlist. Can be supplied in other requests to target a specific playlist version
The tracks of the playlist.
- hrefstringRequired
A link to the Web API endpoint returning the full result of the request
- limitintegerRequired
The maximum number of items in the response (as set in the query or by default).
- nextstringRequiredNullable
URL to the next page of items. (
if none)Example:""
- offsetintegerRequired
The offset of the items returned (as set in the query or by default)
- previousstringRequiredNullable
URL to the previous page of items. (
if none)Example:""
- totalintegerRequired
The total number of items available to return.
- Required
- typestring
The object type: "playlist"
- uristring
The Spotify URI for the playlist.
Response sample
{ "collaborative": false, "description": "string", "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "followers": { "href": "string", "total": 0 }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "images": [ { "url": "", "height": 300, "width": 300 } ], "name": "string", "owner": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "followers": { "href": "string", "total": 0 }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "type": "user", "uri": "string", "display_name": "string" }, "public": false, "snapshot_id": "string", "tracks": { "href": "", "limit": 20, "next": "", "offset": 0, "previous": "", "total": 4, "items": [ { "added_at": "string", "added_by": { "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "followers": { "href": "string", "total": 0 }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "type": "user", "uri": "string" }, "is_local": false, "track": { "album": { "album_type": "compilation", "total_tracks": 9, "available_markets": ["CA", "BR", "IT"], "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "href": "string", "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", "images": [ { "url": "", "height": 300, "width": 300 } ], "name": "string", "release_date": "1981-12", "release_date_precision": "year", "restrictions": { "reason": "market" }, "type": "album", "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "name": "string", "type": "artist", "uri": "string" } ] }, "artists": [ { "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "name": "string", "type": "artist", "uri": "string" } ], "available_markets": ["string"], "disc_number": 0, "duration_ms": 0, "explicit": false, "external_ids": { "isrc": "string", "ean": "string", "upc": "string" }, "external_urls": { "spotify": "string" }, "href": "string", "id": "string", "is_playable": false, "linked_from": { }, "restrictions": { "reason": "string" }, "name": "string", "popularity": 0, "preview_url": "string", "track_number": 0, "type": "track", "uri": "string", "is_local": false } } ] }, "type": "string", "uri": "string"}