API Reference eSDK 3.191.90
_10#include "spotify_embedded.h"
Macros and Constants
Return to header index
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpPlaybackRestrictions | Playback restrictions. |
SpMetadata | Track metadata. |
SpFormat | Mapping of which media formats are supported in which DRM. |
SpZeroConfDeviceAlias | ZeroConf DeviceAlias. |
SpZeroConfVars | ZeroConf variables. |
SpSampleFormat | Sample format of the audio data sent in SpCallbackPlaybackAudioData |
SpPlaybackCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks |
SpDebugCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDebugCallbacks |
SpConnectionCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks |
SpDeviceAlias | Device alias definition. |
SpConfig | Configuration. |
SpDeviceAliasCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackError | Callback for reporting errors to the application. |
SpCallbackPlaybackNotify | Callback for notifying the application about playback-related events. |
SpCallbackPlaybackSeek | Callback to notify the application of a change in the playback position. |
SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume | Callback to notify the application of a volume change using Spotify Connect. |
SpCallbackSavePreset | Callback for receiving preset tokens. |
SpCallbackConnectionNotify | Callback for notifying the application about events related to the connection to Spotify |
SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials | Callback for passing a login blob to the application. |
SpCallbackConnectionMessage | Callback for sending a message to the user. |
SpCallbackDebugMessage | Callback for sending debug messages/trace logs. |
SpCallbackSelectedDeviceAliasChanged | Callback for receiving selected device alias from the backend. |
SpCallbackDeviceAliasesUpdateDone | Callback for knowing when the device alias list has been updated after call to SpSetDeviceAliases |
Return to header index
SpError | |
SpAPIReturnCode | |
SpPlaybackBitrate | |
SpPlaybackNotification | |
SpConnectionNotification | |
SpDeviceType | |
SpMetadataTrack | |
SpConnectivity | |
SpContent | |
SpMediaType | |
SpAudioQuality | |
SpDrmFormat | |
SpReDeliveryMode |
Return to header index
SpInit | Initialize the library. |
SpFree | Shut down the library. |
SpGetLibraryVersion | Retrieve a version string for the library. |
SpConnectionSetConnectivity | Set the type of network connection of the device. |
SpConnectionGetConnectivity | Get the connectivity that was set with SpConnectionSetConnectivity |
SpConnectionLoginBlob | Log in a user to Spotify using a credentials blob. |
SpConnectionLoginPassword | Log in a user to Spotify using a password. |
SpConnectionLoginOauthToken | Log in a user to Spotify using a Spotify OAuth token. |
SpConnectionLogout | Log the user out of Spotify |
SpConnectionIsLoggedIn | Is the user logged in to Spotify |
SpConnectionGetAckId | Get last Ack ID. |
SpGetCanonicalUsername | Get the canonical username of the logged in user. |
SpSetDisplayName | Set the display name for the application/device. |
SpSetVolumeSteps | Set the volume steps the device is capable of. |
SpSetDeviceIsGroup | Control if the device represents a group. |
SpEnableConnect | Enable Connect functionality for this device. |
SpDisableConnect | Disable Connect functionality for this device. |
SpGetSelectedDeviceAlias | Return the currently selected device alias. |
SpPumpEvents | Allow the library to perform asynchronous tasks and process events. |
SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks | Register callbacks related to the connection to Spotify |
SpRegisterDebugCallbacks | Register a callback that receives debug messages/trace logs. |
SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks | Register playback-related callbacks. |
SpGetMetadata | Retrieve metadata for a track in the current track list. |
SpGetMetadataImageURL | Return the HTTP URL to an image file from a spotify:image: URI. |
SpGetPlayerCookie | Obtain player cookie for current playback. |
SpPlaybackPlay | Start or resume playback. |
SpPlaybackPause | Pause playback. |
SpPlaybackSkipToNext | Skip playback to the next track in the track list. |
SpPlaybackSkipToPrev | Skip playback to the previous track in the track list. |
SpPlaybackSeek | Seek to a position within the current track. |
SpPlaybackSeekRelative | Seek a relative amount of time within the current track. |
SpPlaybackGetPosition | Get the current playback position within the track. |
SpPlaybackUpdateVolume | Request a change to the playback volume. |
SpPlaybackGetVolume | Get the playback volume level. |
SpPlaybackIsPlaying | Is the playback status playing or paused. |
SpPlaybackIsAdPlaying | Is the the current track an Ad or not. |
SpPlaybackIsShuffled | Is "shuffle" mode enabled. |
SpPlaybackIsRepeated | Is "repeat" mode enabled. |
SpPlaybackGetRepeatMode | What "repeat" mode is on. |
SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice | Is the device the active playback device. |
SpPlaybackEnableShuffle | Enable or disable "shuffle" mode. |
SpPlaybackEnableRepeat | Enable or disable "repeat" mode. |
SpPlaybackCycleRepeatMode | Cycle through the available repeat modes. |
SpPlaybackSetBitrate | Change the bitrate at which compressed audio data is delivered. |
SpPlaybackSetAvailableToPlay | Allow or disallow the device to start playback. |
SpPlaybackIsAvailableToPlay | Is the device available for playback. |
SpPlaybackSetDeviceInactive | Set the device inactive. |
SpPlaybackIsDeviceControllable | Is the device controllable. |
SpPlaybackSetDeviceControllable | Allow or disallow the device to be controllable. |
SpPlaybackIncreaseUnderrunCount | Increase the underrun counter of the current track. |
SpPlaybackSetBandwidthLimit | Set a limit on the download speed. |
SpPlaybackSetRedeliveryMode | Activates redelivery of audio data on play or resume playback. |
SpPlaybackIsRedeliveryModeActivated | Gets the status of redelivery mode. |
SpPresetSubscribe | Subscribe to receive "preset" tokens for use with SpPlayPreset |
SpPresetUnsubscribe | Unsubscribe from a previously subscribed preset. |
SpPlayPreset | Recall and play a saved or default preset. |
SpZeroConfGetVars | Get variables for ZeroConf, mainly the "getInfo" request. |
SpZeroConfAnnouncePause | Temporarily pause ZeroConf mDNS annoucements. |
SpZeroConfAnnounceResume | Resume ZeroConf mDNS annoucement after calling SpZeroConfAnnouncePause |
SpConnectionLoginZeroConf | Log in a user to Spotify using a ZeroConf credentials blob. |
SpGetBrandName | |
SpGetModelName | |
SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks | Register callbacks related to device aliases. |
SpSetDeviceAliases | Update the device alias definitions. |
SpRestrictDrmMediaFormats | |
SpRestoreDrmMediaFormats |
Macros and Constants
_10#define SP_API_VERSION 70
The version of the API defined in this header file.
Minimum recommended size of the buffer SpConfig::memory_block
Maximum length of the brand name string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the model name string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the client id string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the os version string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the device display name (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the device's unique ID (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of usernames (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum number of device aliases that can be configured.
_10#define SP_NO_ALIAS_SELECTED -1
A value to use for alias_index when aliases are not used.
Maximum length of display names in track metadata (not counting terminating NULL)
See also Notes:- It is possible that metadata will be truncted to less than this length. Applications requiring full length metadata should request it from the Spotify web APIs https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/
Maximum length of URIs in track metadata (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of Track UID in track metadata (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of URLs (not counting terminating NULL)
Length of player cookie (not including terminating null)
Maximum length of Playback-Id (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the public key used in ZeroConf logins (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the device ID used for ZeroConf logins (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the device type string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the library version string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the group status string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the token type used for OAuth logins (not counting terminating NULL)
_10#define SP_MAX_SCOPE_LENGTH 64
Maximum length of the scope used for OAuth login (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the client key. (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the zeroconf blob. (not counting terminating NULL)
_10#define SP_MAX_LOGIN_ID_LENGTH 64
Maximum length of the login ID used for ZeroConf logins (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the availability string (not counting terminating NULL)
Maximum length of the Partner Name (TSP_PARTNER_NAME) (not counting terminating NULL) The longest partner name when this was written was "imagination_technologies_mips" at 29 characters.
Maximum length of filename fields (not counting terminating NULL)
_10#define SP_PRESET_BUFFER_SIZE 2064
Maximum length of the preset blob returned by SpGetPreset
Value for SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when disabling builtin ZeroConf stack. Complete ZeroConf stack must be run externally.
_10#define SP_ZEROCONF_SERVE 1
Value for SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when activating complete builtin ZeroConf stack.
Value for SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when activating builtin ZeroConf http server only while running the ZeroConf mDNS server externally.
Value for SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when activating builtin ZeroConf mDNS server only while running the ZeroConf http server externally.
_10#define SP_SCOPE_STREAMING "streaming"
Value for SpConfig::scope when implementing a basic streaming device.
Set this bit in the device alias attributes integer (SpDeviceAlias::attributes) to mark a device alias as representing a group.
Notes:- SpSetDeviceIsGroup also sets group status, but only for the currently selected alias.
Set this bit in the global attributes integer (SpConfig::global_attributes) to mark that this device supports voice.
The track is already paused.
The track is already playing.
Licensing rules disallow this action.
Action can't be performed while an ad is playing.
There is no track before the current one in the currently playing context.
There is no track after the current one in the currently playing context.
The action is restricted, but no reason is provided This means that eSDK has not retrieved the restrictions from the backend yet and therefore the action is not allowed right now. As soon as eSDK retrieves the information, the notification kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged will be sent, and the application can check the field again.
The action is restricted for context level reasons.
Data Structures
Playback restrictions.
_12struct SpPlaybackRestrictions {_12 uint32_t disallow_pausing_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_resuming_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_seeking_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_peeking_prev_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_peeking_next_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_skipping_prev_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_skipping_next_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_toggling_repeat_context_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_toggling_repeat_track_reasons;_12 uint32_t disallow_toggling_shuffle_reasons;_12};
uint32_t | disallow_pausing_reasons | Bitfield of reasons the pause action is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_resuming_reasons | Bitfield of reasons the resume action is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_seeking_reasons | Bitfield of reasons seeking is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_peeking_prev_reasons | Bitfield of reasons peeking on the previous track is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_peeking_next_reasons | Bitfield of reasons peeking on the next track is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_skipping_prev_reasons | Bitfield of reasons skipping to the previous track is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_skipping_next_reasons | Bitfield of reasons skipping to the next track is unavailable. |
uint32_t | disallow_toggling_repeat_context_reasons | Bitfield of reasons setting repeat context is not allowed. |
uint32_t | disallow_toggling_repeat_track_reasons | Bitfield of reasons setting repeat track is not allowed. |
uint32_t | disallow_toggling_shuffle_reasons | Bitfield of reasons toggling shuffle is not allowed. |
Track metadata.
See also
_22struct SpMetadata {_22 char playback_source;_22 char playback_source_uri;_22 char track;_22 char track_uri;_22 char artist;_22 char artist_uri;_22 char album;_22 char album_uri;_22 char album_cover_uri;_22 char original_track_uri;_22 uint32_t duration_ms;_22 int32_t index;_22 char track_uid;_22 uint32_t original_index;_22 uint32_t bitrate;_22 struct SpPlaybackRestrictions playback_restrictions;_22 char playback_id;_22 enum SpContent content_type;_22 enum SpMediaType media_type;_22 enum SpAudioQuality audio_quality;_22};
char | playback_source | Display name of the playback source. E.g., the name of the playlist from which playback was initiated (UTF-8-encoded) |
char | playback_source_uri | Spotify URI of the playback source (in the form "spotify:xxxxxx:xxxxxxx...") |
char | track | Display name of the track (UTF-8-encoded) |
char | track_uri | Spotify URI of the track (in the form "spotify:track:xxxxxxx...") |
char | artist | Display name of the artist of the track (UTF-8-encoded) |
char | artist_uri | Spotify URI of the artist of the track (in the form "spotify:artist:xxxxxxx...") |
char | album | Display name of the track's album (UTF-8-encoded) |
char | album_uri | Spotify URI of the track's album (in the form "spotify:album:xxxxxxx...") |
char | album_cover_uri | Spotify URI of the album's cover art image (in the form "spotify:image:xxxxxxx...") |
char | original_track_uri | Spotify URI of the original track before relinking (in the form "spotify:track:xxxxxxx...") |
uint32_t | duration_ms | Playback duration of the track in milliseconds. |
int32_t | index | Index of the track in the currently playing context. |
char | track_uid | Track UID of the track in the currently playing context. |
uint32_t | original_index | Index of the track in the original (unchanged) playing context. |
uint32_t | bitrate | The bitrate of the track in kbps. 0 means "unplayable". |
struct SpPlaybackRestrictions | playback_restrictions | Restrictions that apply to playback and transitions related to this track. |
char | playback_id | Playback-id of this playback of this specific track. |
enum SpContent | content_type | Content type of this track. |
enum SpMediaType | media_type | Media type of this track. |
enum SpAudioQuality | audio_quality | Audio quality of this track. |
Mapping of which media formats are supported in which DRM.
See also
_10struct SpFormat {_10 enum SpDrmFormat drm;_10 uint64_t media;_10};
enum SpDrmFormat | drm | DRM format which the integration supports. |
uint64_t | media | Supported media formats for a DRM. |
ZeroConf DeviceAlias.
This structure contains information about a single device alias, as returned by SpZeroConfGetVars
See also
_10struct SpZeroConfDeviceAlias {_10 uint32_t id;_10 int is_group;_10 char display_name;_10};
uint32_t | id | String to be sent in the "id" field of the alias in the "getInfo" response. |
int | is_group | Boolean (0 = "false", 1 = "true") to be sent in the "isGroup" field of the alias in the "getInfo" response. |
char | display_name | String to be sent in the "name" field of the alias in the "getInfo" response. |
ZeroConf variables.
This structure contains the fields that the application needs for ZeroConf, mainly what to send in the response to the "getInfo" request. See the ZeroConf manual for more information.
See also
_19struct SpZeroConfVars {_19 char public_key;_19 char device_id;_19 char remote_name;_19 char device_type;_19 char library_version;_19 int resolver_version;_19 char group_status;_19 int webserver_current_port;_19 char token_type;_19 char client_id;_19 char scope;_19 char availability;_19 uint32_t product_id;_19 struct SpZeroConfDeviceAlias aliases;_19 uint32_t alias_count;_19 struct SpFormat supported_drm_media_formats;_19 uint64_t supported_capabilities;_19};
char | public_key | String to be sent in the "publicKey" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | device_id | String to be sent in the "deviceID" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | remote_name | String to be sent in the "remoteName" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | device_type | String to be sent in the "deviceType" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | library_version | String to be sent in the "libraryVersion" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
int | resolver_version | Integer to be sent as string in the "resolverVersion" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | group_status | String to be sent in the "groupStatus" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
int | webserver_current_port | Current internal ZeroConf webserver port number. To be used when running an external mDNS server together with an internal webserver. |
char | token_type | String to be sent in the "tokenType" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | client_id | String to be sent in the "clientID" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | scope | String to be sent in the "scope" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
char | availability | String to be sent in the "availability" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
uint32_t | product_id | Integer to be sent in the "productID" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
struct SpZeroConfDeviceAlias | aliases | Array of SpZeroConfDeviceAlias to be sent in the "aliases" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
uint32_t | alias_count | Number of valid items in aliases array. |
struct SpFormat | supported_drm_media_formats | Array of SpFormat to be sent in the "supported_drm_media_formats" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
uint64_t | supported_capabilities | Integer representing a bitmask to be sent in the "supported_capabilities" field of the "getInfo" response[*]. |
Sample format of the audio data sent in SpCallbackPlaybackAudioData
Notes:- The contents of this should be ignored when SpCallbackPlaybackAudioData is invoked with sample_count = 0.
_10struct SpSampleFormat {_10 int channels;_10 int sample_rate;_10 int replay_gain_mdb;_10};
int | channels | Number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo) |
int | sample_rate | Sample rate in Hz (such as 22050, 44100 or 48000) |
int | replay_gain_mdb | If audio playback is normalized, this value is the suggested replay gain adjustment in milli-dBs (1000 = +1 dB, -1000 = -1 dB, 0 = no change) |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpPlaybackCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackPlaybackNotify on_notify;_10 SpCallbackPlaybackSeek on_seek;_10 SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume on_apply_volume;_10 SpCallbackSavePreset on_save_preset;_10};
SpCallbackPlaybackNotify | on_notify | Notification callback. |
SpCallbackPlaybackSeek | on_seek | Seek position callback. |
SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume | on_apply_volume | Apply volume callback. |
SpCallbackSavePreset | on_save_preset | Preset token callback. |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDebugCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpDebugCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackDebugMessage on_message;_10};
SpCallbackDebugMessage | on_message | Debug message callback. |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpConnectionCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackConnectionNotify on_notify;_10 SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials on_new_credentials;_10 SpCallbackConnectionMessage on_message;_10};
SpCallbackConnectionNotify | on_notify | Notification callback. |
SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials | on_new_credentials | Credentials blob callback. |
SpCallbackConnectionMessage | on_message | Connection message callback. |
Device alias definition.
This struct is used to define (optional) device aliases. It's a part of the SpConfig struct which will be passed to SpInit to initialize the eSDK.
_10struct SpDeviceAlias {_10 const char *display_name;_10 uint32_t attributes;_10};
const char * | display_name | A UTF-8 encoded display name for an alias of the application/device. |
uint32_t | attributes | Attributes for this device alias. |
See also
_26struct SpConfig {_26 int api_version;_26 void *memory_block;_26 uint32_t memory_block_size;_26 const char *unique_id;_26 const char *display_name;_26 uint32_t global_attributes;_26 struct SpDeviceAlias device_aliases;_26 const char *brand_name;_26 const char *brand_display_name;_26 const char *model_name;_26 const char *model_display_name;_26 const char *client_id;_26 uint32_t product_id;_26 const char *scope;_26 const char *os_version;_26 enum SpDeviceType device_type;_26 enum SpPlaybackBitrate max_bitrate;_26 SpCallbackError error_callback;_26 void *error_callback_context;_26 int zeroconf_serve;_26 const char *host_name;_26 int zeroconf_port;_26 int zeroconf_port_range;_26 struct SpFormat supported_drm_media_formats;_26};
int | api_version | The version of the API contained in this header file. Must be set to SP_API_VERSION. |
void * | memory_block | Pointer to a memory block to be used by the library. |
uint32_t | memory_block_size | Size of the memory_block buffer in bytes. |
const char * | unique_id | A NULL-terminated character string that uniquely identifies the device (such as a MAC address) |
const char * | display_name | A UTF-8-encoded display name for the application/device. |
uint32_t | global_attributes | The global attributes is a bitfield where each attribute is OR:ed together and stored in this integer. |
struct SpDeviceAlias | device_aliases | Device alias definitions. These are optional, if you don't want to define aliases this array must be zeroed. |
const char * | brand_name | A NULL-terminated string containing the brand name of the hardware device (for hardware integrations) |
const char * | brand_display_name | A UTF-8-encoded brand name of the hardware device (for hardware integrations). Should be very similar to brand_name. |
const char * | model_name | A NULL-terminated string containing the model name of the hardware device (for hardware integrations) |
const char * | model_display_name | A UTF-8-encoded model name of the hardware device (for hardware integrations) |
const char * | client_id | A NULL-terminated string containing the client id of the application. |
uint32_t | product_id | An integer enumerating the product for this partner. |
const char * | scope | A NULL-terminated string containing the OAuth scope requested when authenticating with the Spotify backend. |
const char * | os_version | A NULL-terminated string containing the os version running on the hardware. |
enum SpDeviceType | device_type | The device type that best describes this product. |
enum SpPlaybackBitrate | max_bitrate | The maximum bitrate to use for playback. |
SpCallbackError | error_callback | Pointer to a callback function that will receive error notifications. |
void * | error_callback_context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the error_callback callback. |
int | zeroconf_serve | Not applicable in this eSDK configuration. |
const char * | host_name | Not applicable in this eSDK configuration. |
int | zeroconf_port | Not applicable in this eSDK configuration. |
int | zeroconf_port_range | Not applicable in this eSDK configuration. |
struct SpFormat | supported_drm_media_formats | |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpDeviceAliasCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackSelectedDeviceAliasChanged on_selected_device_alias_changed;_10 SpCallbackDeviceAliasesUpdateDone on_device_aliases_update_done;_10};
SpCallbackSelectedDeviceAliasChanged | on_selected_device_alias_changed | Selected device alias updated callback. |
SpCallbackDeviceAliasesUpdateDone | on_device_aliases_update_done | Device alias list updated. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackError)(SpError error, void *context)
Callback for reporting errors to the application.
To register this callback, set the field SpConfig::error_callback when invoking the function SpInit
[in] | SpError error | Error code |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackPlaybackNotify)(enum SpPlaybackNotification event, void *context)
Callback for notifying the application about playback-related events.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks
[in] | enum SpPlaybackNotification event | Type of event |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackPlaybackSeek)(uint32_t position_ms, void *context)
Callback to notify the application of a change in the playback position.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks This callback is invoked when SpPlaybackSeek is invoked or when the user seeks to a position within the track using Spotify Connect.
[in] | uint32_t position_ms | New position within the track in milliseconds |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume)(uint16_t volume, uint8_t remote, void *context)
Callback to notify the application of a volume change using Spotify Connect.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks This callback is invoked in two cases: When the user changes the playback volume using Spotify Connect. When the application invoked SpPlaybackUpdateVolume In both cases, the application is responsible for applying the new volume to its audio output. The application should never invoke SpPlaybackUpdateVolume from this callback, as this might result in an endless loop.
[in] | uint16_t volume | Volume in the range 0 (silence) to 65535 (max volume) |
[in] | uint8_t remote | Set to 1 if the volume was changed using Spotify Connect, 0 otherwise |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef uint8_t(* SpCallbackSavePreset)(int preset_id, uint32_t playback_position, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buff_size, SpError error, void *context)
Callback for receiving preset tokens.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks After subscribing to receive preset tokens for the currently playing context, this callback will be called periodically with an updated token that can be used to restore playback at a later time with SpPlayPreset This token must be saved to persistent storage, and must replace any previous token for the same preset. The rate at which this callback is called may vary based on the type of context playing. It will typically be called once per playing track, but may be called more or less often to satisfy the requirements of the expected Spotify user experience.
[in] | int preset_id | The value specified to SpPresetSubscribe |
[in] | uint32_t playback_position | Current playback time in milliseconds. This must be saved persistently with the preset token, and specified when calling SpPlayPreset |
[in] | const uint8_t * buffer | The buffer provided to SpPresetSubscribe filled with the binary preset token to save. This may be NULL if an error has occurred. |
[in] | size_t buff_size | The number of binary bytes in buffer to save. |
[in] | SpError error | An error code if a problem occurred, or kSpErrorOk |
[in] | void * context | The context provided when the callback was registered. |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackConnectionNotify)(enum SpConnectionNotification event, void *context)
Callback for notifying the application about events related to the connection to Spotify
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks
[in] | enum SpConnectionNotification event | Type of event |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials)(const char *credentials_blob, const char *username, void *context)
Callback for passing a login blob to the application.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks The application may save the credentials_blob for subsequent logins using the function SpConnectionLoginBlob The application should also discard any credentials blobs for this user that it received previously, either through this callback or through ZeroConf (see the ZeroConf manual). Note: If credentials_blob is an empty string, the application MUST delete any existing saved credentials for the account, and must not attempt to login again with the empty credentials. This happens when a permanent logout is requested.
[in] | const char * credentials_blob | Credentials to be passed to SpConnectionLoginBlob |
[in] | const char * username | user name to be passed to SpConnectionLoginBlob |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackConnectionMessage)(const char *message, void *context)
Callback for sending a message to the user.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks This callback is invoked when Spotify wants to display a message to the user. The message is meant to be displayed to the user as is and should not be interpreted by the application (the format of the messages may change without notice). If the application does not have a graphical user interface, it can safely ignore this callback.
[in] | const char * message | Message to be displayed to the user. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackDebugMessage)(const char *debug_message, void *context)
Callback for sending debug messages/trace logs.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDebugCallbacks In special builds of the library, this callback receives debug messages that the application may write to its logs. The application should not interpret the messages (the format of the messages may change without notice).
[in] | const char * debug_message | Message to be logged |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackSelectedDeviceAliasChanged)(uint32_t alias_index, void *context)
Callback for receiving selected device alias from the backend.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks This callback is invoked whenever the selected device alias is updated. This can happen when, for example, the user selects an alias from Spotify Connect device picker.
[in] | uint32_t alias_index | Index of the device alias which was selected |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackDeviceAliasesUpdateDone)(SpError error_code, void *context)
Callback for knowing when the device alias list has been updated after call to SpSetDeviceAliases
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks This callback is invoked when the operation started by call to SpSetDeviceAliases has finished.
[in] | SpError error_code | if the update was successful, the value is kSpErrorOk |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call API functions that are not allowed in the callback.
_66enum SpError {_66 kSpErrorOk,_66 kSpErrorFailed,_66 kSpErrorInitFailed,_66 kSpErrorWrongAPIVersion,_66 kSpErrorNullArgument,_66 kSpErrorInvalidArgument,_66 kSpErrorUninitialized,_66 kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized,_66 kSpErrorLoginBadCredentials,_66 kSpErrorNeedsPremium,_66 kSpErrorTravelRestriction,_66 kSpErrorApplicationBanned,_66 kSpErrorGeneralLoginError,_66 kSpErrorUnsupported,_66 kSpErrorNotActiveDevice,_66 kSpErrorAPIRateLimited,_66 kSpErrorReentrancyDetected,_66 kSpErrorMultiThreadingDetected,_66 kSpErrorTryAgain,_66 kSpErrorDuringLogout,_66 kSpErrorPermanentConnectionError,_66 kSpErrorEntropyFailure,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfErrorStart,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfBadRequest,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfUnknown,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfNotImplemented,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfNotInstalled,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfNotLoaded,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfNotAuthorized,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfCannotLoad,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfSystemUpdateRequired,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfSpotifyUpdateRequired,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfLoginFailed,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidPublicKey,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfMissingAction,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidAction,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidArguments,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfNoSpotifySession,_66 kSpErrorZeroConfSpotifyError,_66 kSpErrorPlaybackErrorStart,_66 kSpErrorGeneralPlaybackError,_66 kSpErrorPlaybackRateLimited,_66 kSpErrorPlaybackCappingLimitReached,_66 kSpErrorAdIsPlaying,_66 kSpErrorCorruptTrack,_66 kSpErrorContextFailed,_66 kSpErrorPrefetchItemUnavailable,_66 kSpAlreadyPrefetching,_66 kSpStorageReadError,_66 kSpStorageWriteError,_66 kSpPrefetchDownloadFailed,_66 kSpErrorBusy,_66 kSpErrorUnavailable,_66 kSpErrorNotAllowed,_66 kSpErrorNetworkRequired,_66 kSpErrorNotLoggedIn,_66 kSpErrorInProgress,_66 kSpErrorPlaybackInitiation,_66 kSpErrorPresetFailed,_66 kSpErrorInvalidRequest,_66 kSpErrorInvalidTrackId,_66 kSpErrorIncorrectMsPlayed,_66 kSpErrorDeviceNotControllable,_66 kSpErrorPlaybackInitiationTimeout,_66};
kSpErrorOk | The operation was successful. |
kSpErrorFailed | The operation failed due to an unspecified issue. |
kSpErrorInitFailed | The library could not be initialized. |
kSpErrorWrongAPIVersion | The library could not be initialized because of an incompatible API version. |
kSpErrorNullArgument | An unexpected NULL pointer was passed as an argument to a function. |
kSpErrorInvalidArgument | An unexpected argument value was passed to a function. |
kSpErrorUninitialized | A function was invoked before SpInit or after SpFree was called. |
kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized | SpInit was called more than once. |
kSpErrorLoginBadCredentials | Login to Spotify failed because of invalid credentials. |
kSpErrorNeedsPremium | The operation requires a Spotify Premium account. |
kSpErrorTravelRestriction | The Spotify user is not allowed to log in from this country. |
kSpErrorApplicationBanned | The application has been banned by Spotify |
kSpErrorGeneralLoginError | An unspecified login error occurred. |
kSpErrorUnsupported | The operation is not supported. |
kSpErrorNotActiveDevice | The operation is not supported if the device is not the active playback device. |
kSpErrorAPIRateLimited | The API has been rate-limited. |
kSpErrorReentrancyDetected | The eSDK API was used from a callback. |
kSpErrorMultiThreadingDetected | The eSDK API was used from multiple threads. |
kSpErrorTryAgain | The eSDK API cannot be performed right now. |
kSpErrorDuringLogout | Logout failed during SpFree call. |
kSpErrorPermanentConnectionError | Permanent connection error. eSDK ceased attempts to reconnect. |
kSpErrorEntropyFailure | Failed to get cryptographic random data from the platform. |
kSpErrorZeroConfErrorStart | Error range reserved for ZeroConf-related errors. |
kSpErrorZeroConfBadRequest | ZeroConf Web server problem or critically malformed request. |
kSpErrorZeroConfUnknown | Fallback when no other ZeroConf error applies. |
kSpErrorZeroConfNotImplemented | ZeroConf device does not implement this feature. |
kSpErrorZeroConfNotInstalled | Spotify not installed (where applicable) |
kSpErrorZeroConfNotLoaded | Spotify not loaded (where applicable) |
kSpErrorZeroConfNotAuthorized | Spotify client not authorized to play. |
kSpErrorZeroConfCannotLoad | Spotify cannot be loaded (where applicable) |
kSpErrorZeroConfSystemUpdateRequired | Device system needs update (where applicable) |
kSpErrorZeroConfSpotifyUpdateRequired | Spotify client application needs update. |
kSpErrorZeroConfLoginFailed | Spotify returned error when trying to login. |
kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidPublicKey | ZeroConf login failed due to an invalid public key. |
kSpErrorZeroConfMissingAction | ZeroConf HTTP request has no action parameter. |
kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidAction | ZeroConf HTTP request has unrecognized action parameter. |
kSpErrorZeroConfInvalidArguments | Incorrect or insufficient ZeroConf arguments supplied for requested action. |
kSpErrorZeroConfNoSpotifySession | Attempted Spotify action but no valid Spotify session is available (where applicable) |
kSpErrorZeroConfSpotifyError | A Spotify API call returned an error not covered by other error messages. |
kSpErrorPlaybackErrorStart | Error range reserved for playback-related errors. |
kSpErrorGeneralPlaybackError | An unspecified playback error occurred. |
kSpErrorPlaybackRateLimited | The application has been rate-limited. |
kSpErrorPlaybackCappingLimitReached | The Spotify user has reached a capping limit that is in effect in this country and/or for this track. |
kSpErrorAdIsPlaying | Cannot change track while ad is playing. |
kSpErrorCorruptTrack | The track is (temporarily) corrupt in the Spotify catalogue. |
kSpErrorContextFailed | Unable to read all tracks from the playing context. |
kSpErrorPrefetchItemUnavailable | The item that was being prefetched was unavailable, and cannot be fetched. This could be due to an invalid URI, changes in track availability, or geographical limitations. This is a permanent error, and the item should not be tried again. |
kSpAlreadyPrefetching | An item is already actively being prefetched. You must stop the current prefetch request to start another one. This error is only relevant for builds with offline storage enabled. |
kSpStorageReadError | A permanent error was encountered while reading to a registered file storage callback. This error is only relevant for builds with offline storage enabled. |
kSpStorageWriteError | A permanent error was encountered while writing to a registered file storage callback. This error is only relevant for builds with offline storage enabled. |
kSpPrefetchDownloadFailed | Prefetched item was not fully downloaded or failed. If error happens prefetch can be retried. This error is only relevant for builds with offline storage enabled. |
kSpErrorBusy | Current API call cannot be completed because eSDK is busy. Same API call should be done sometime later with same arguments. |
kSpErrorUnavailable | Current API call cannot be completed because the said operation is not available at the moment. |
kSpErrorNotAllowed | This eSDK API is not allowed due to current license restrictions. |
kSpErrorNetworkRequired | Current API call cannot be completed since it's not connected to Spotify |
kSpErrorNotLoggedIn | Current API call cannot be completed without being logged in. |
kSpErrorInProgress | Used in callbacks to notify the application that the action is not yet complete. |
kSpErrorPlaybackInitiation | Used in SpCallbackError callback to notify the application that playback initiation failed. |
kSpErrorPresetFailed | Used in SpCallbackError callback to notify the application that recalling and playing a preset failed. |
kSpErrorInvalidRequest | Used in SpCallbackError callback to notify the application that the request was rejected as invalid. |
kSpErrorInvalidTrackId | Used in SpCallbackError callback to notify the application that an invalid track_id was used. |
kSpErrorIncorrectMsPlayed | Used in SpCallbackError callback to notify the application that an incorrect value for ms_played was reported. |
kSpErrorDeviceNotControllable | The operation is not allowed since the device is not controllable. |
kSpErrorPlaybackInitiationTimeout | The playback initiation operation timed out. |
_10enum SpAPIReturnCode {_10 kSpAPINoError,_10 kSpAPITryAgain,_10 kSpAPIDNSLookupError,_10 kSpAPIGenericError,_10 kSpAPINotSupported,_10 kSpAPIEOF,_10 kSpAPINotFound,_10};
kSpAPINoError | This code should be used when API call was successful. |
kSpAPITryAgain | This code means operation cannot be performed right now. Same API call should be done sometime later with same arguments. |
kSpAPIDNSLookupError | Use to notify about any DNS lookup error that cannot be retried. |
kSpAPIGenericError | API call has failed. |
kSpAPINotSupported | Requested feature is not supported by platform. |
kSpAPIEOF | End of file/socket reached. |
kSpAPINotFound | Requested resource does not exist. |
_10enum SpPlaybackBitrate {_10 kSpPlaybackBitrateDefault,_10 kSpPlaybackBitrateLow,_10 kSpPlaybackBitrateNormal,_10};
kSpPlaybackBitrateDefault | Set bitrate to the default (currently High). |
kSpPlaybackBitrateLow | Set bitrate to low. Corresponds to e.g. 96 kbit/s ogg/vorbis. |
kSpPlaybackBitrateNormal | Set bitrate to normal. Corresponds to e.g. 160 kbit/s ogg/vorbis. |
_20enum SpPlaybackNotification {_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyPlay,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyPause,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyTrackChanged,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyNext,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyPrev,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyShuffleOn,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyShuffleOff,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyRepeatOn,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyRepeatOff,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameActive,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameInactive,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyLostPermission,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyAudioDeliveryDone,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyContextChanged,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyNetworkRequired,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyTrackDownloadStalled,_20 kSpPlaybackNotifyQueuedTrackAccepted,_20};
kSpPlaybackNotifyPlay | Playback has started or has resumed. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyPause | Playback has been paused. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyTrackChanged | The current track or its metadata has changed. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyNext | Playback has skipped to the next track. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyPrev | Playback as skipped to the previous track. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyShuffleOn | "Shuffle" was switched on |
kSpPlaybackNotifyShuffleOff | "Shuffle" was switched off |
kSpPlaybackNotifyRepeatOn | "Repeat" was switched on |
kSpPlaybackNotifyRepeatOff | "Repeat" was switched off |
kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameActive | This device has become the active playback device. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameInactive | This device is no longer the active playback device. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyLostPermission | This device has temporarily lost permission to stream audio from Spotify |
kSpPlaybackNotifyAudioDeliveryDone | The library will not send any more audio data. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyContextChanged | Playback changed to a different Spotify context. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged | Metadata is changed. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyNetworkRequired | Playback is not allowed without network. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyTrackDownloadStalled | Download of the current track stalled due to network outage. |
kSpPlaybackNotifyQueuedTrackAccepted | Queued track is accepted by the playback-service. |
_10enum SpConnectionNotification {_10 kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedIn,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedOut,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyTemporaryError,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyDisconnect,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyReconnect,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyProductTypeChanged,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyZeroConfVarsChanged,_10 kSpConnectionNotifyTransmittingData,_10};
kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedIn | The user has successfully logged in to Spotify |
kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedOut | The user has been logged out of Spotify |
kSpConnectionNotifyTemporaryError | A temporary connection error occurred. The library will automatically retry. |
kSpConnectionNotifyDisconnect | The connection to Spotify has been lost. |
kSpConnectionNotifyReconnect | The connection to Spotify has been (re-)established. |
kSpConnectionNotifyProductTypeChanged | The connected user account type has changed (became premium, for example). |
kSpConnectionNotifyZeroConfVarsChanged | The SpZeroConfVars has changed. |
kSpConnectionNotifyTransmittingData | The eSDK is transmitting data. |
_16enum SpDeviceType {_16 kSpDeviceTypeComputer,_16 kSpDeviceTypeTablet,_16 kSpDeviceTypeSmartphone,_16 kSpDeviceTypeSpeaker,_16 kSpDeviceTypeTV,_16 kSpDeviceTypeAVR,_16 kSpDeviceTypeSTB,_16 kSpDeviceTypeAudioDongle,_16 kSpDeviceTypeGameConsole,_16 kSpDeviceTypeCastVideo,_16 kSpDeviceTypeCastAudio,_16 kSpDeviceTypeAutomobile,_16 kSpDeviceTypeSmartwatch,_16 kSpDeviceTypeChromebook,_16};
kSpDeviceTypeComputer | Laptop or desktop computer device. |
kSpDeviceTypeTablet | Tablet PC device. |
kSpDeviceTypeSmartphone | Smartphone device. |
kSpDeviceTypeSpeaker | Speaker device. |
kSpDeviceTypeTV | Television device. |
kSpDeviceTypeAVR | Audio/Video receiver device. |
kSpDeviceTypeSTB | Set-Top Box device. |
kSpDeviceTypeAudioDongle | Audio dongle device. |
kSpDeviceTypeGameConsole | Game console device. |
kSpDeviceTypeCastVideo | Chromecast Video. |
kSpDeviceTypeCastAudio | Chromecast Audio. |
kSpDeviceTypeAutomobile | Automobile. |
kSpDeviceTypeSmartwatch | Smartwatch. |
kSpDeviceTypeChromebook | Chromebook. |
_10enum SpMetadataTrack {_10 kSpMetadataTrackBeforePrevious,_10 kSpMetadataTrackPrevious,_10 kSpMetadataTrackCurrent,_10 kSpMetadataTrackNext,_10 kSpMetadataTrackAfterNext,_10};
kSpMetadataTrackBeforePrevious | Index of the before previous track in the track list. |
kSpMetadataTrackPrevious | Index of the previous track in the track list. |
kSpMetadataTrackCurrent | Index of the current track in the track list. |
kSpMetadataTrackNext | Index of the next track in the track list. |
kSpMetadataTrackAfterNext | Index of the after next track in the track list. |
_10enum SpConnectivity {_10 kSpConnectivityNone,_10 kSpConnectivityWired,_10 kSpConnectivityWireless,_10 kSpConnectivityMobile,_10};
kSpConnectivityNone | The device is not connected to the network. |
kSpConnectivityWired | The device is connected to a wired network. |
kSpConnectivityWireless | The device is connected to a wireless network. |
kSpConnectivityMobile | The device uses a mobile data connection. |
_10enum SpContent {_10 kSpContentUnknown,_10 kSpContentMusicTrack,_10 kSpContentShowEpisode,_10 kSpContentAd,_10};
kSpContentUnknown | Unknown content type. |
kSpContentMusicTrack | Music track. |
kSpContentShowEpisode | Podcast show episode. |
kSpContentAd | Advertisement. |
_10enum SpMediaType {_10 kSpMediaTypeAudio,_10 kSpMediaTypeVideo,_10};
kSpMediaTypeAudio | Audio media type. |
kSpMediaTypeVideo | Video media type. |
_10enum SpAudioQuality {_10 kSpAudioQualityUnknown,_10 kSpAudioQualityLow,_10 kSpAudioQualityNormal,_10 kSpAudioQualityHigh,_10 kSpAudioQualityVeryHigh,_10};
kSpAudioQualityUnknown | Unknown audio quality. |
kSpAudioQualityLow | Low audio quality. |
kSpAudioQualityNormal | Normal audio quality (e.g. 96 kbps ogg/vorbis) |
kSpAudioQualityHigh | High audio quality (e.g. 160 kbps ogg/vorbis) |
kSpAudioQualityVeryHigh | Very high audio quality (e.g. 320 kbps ogg/vorbis) |
_10enum SpDrmFormat {_10 kSpDrmFormatUnknown,_10 kSpDrmFormatUnencrypted,_10 kSpDrmFormatFairPlay,_10 kSpDrmFormatWidevine,_10 kSpDrmFormatPlayReady,_10};
kSpDrmFormatUnknown | Unknown DRM. |
kSpDrmFormatUnencrypted | No DRM, unencrypted. |
kSpDrmFormatFairPlay | FairPlay. |
kSpDrmFormatWidevine | Widevine. |
kSpDrmFormatPlayReady | PlayReady. |
_10enum SpReDeliveryMode {_10 kSpRedeliveryModeActivated,_10 kSpRedeliveryModeDeactivated,_10};
kSpRedeliveryModeActivated | Redelivery is activated. |
kSpRedeliveryModeDeactivated | Redelivery is deactivated. |
_10SpError SpInit(struct SpConfig *conf)
Initialize the library.
[in] | struct SpConfig * conf | Configuration parameters |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpFree(void)
Shut down the library.
If a user is currently logged in, the application should first call SpConnectionLogout and wait for the kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedOut event, otherwise SpFree may take several seconds.
Returns an error code
_10const char * SpGetLibraryVersion(void)
Retrieve a version string for the library.
Version string
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpConnectionSetConnectivity(enum SpConnectivity connectivity)
Set the type of network connection of the device.
When the application detects that the device has lost network connection, it should call this function with kSpConnectivityNone When network connection is restored, the application should call this function with one of the other values of SpConnectivity The library will then immediately retry to reconnect to Spotify (rather than waiting for the next retry timeout). The library may use the type of network connection to adapt its streaming and buffering strategies. Currently, however, all types of network connection are treated the same.
[in] | enum SpConnectivity connectivity | Type of connection |
Returns an error code
_10enum SpConnectivity SpConnectionGetConnectivity(void)
Get the connectivity that was set with SpConnectionSetConnectivity
The library does not detect the type of network connection by itself. It only updates it if the application calls SpConnectionSetConnectivity If SpConnectionSetConnectivity was never called, the connection defaults to kSpConnectivityWired
Type of connection
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpConnectionLoginBlob(const char *username, const char *credentials_blob)
Log in a user to Spotify using a credentials blob.
[in] | const char * username | Spotify username. UTF-8 encoded. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH bytes (not UTF-8-encoded characters), not counting the terminating NULL. (For users that log in via Facebook, this is an email address.) |
[in] | const char * credentials_blob | Credentials blob received via ZeroConf or in the callback SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials Note: if the credentials_blob is an empty string, this function should not be called or it will return kSpErrorFailed |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The login is performed asynchronously. The return value only indicates whether the library is able to perform the login attempt. The status of the login will be reported via callbacks:
- The blob can only be used for subsequent logins as long as the value of SpConfig::unique_id does not change. If SpConfig::unique_id has changed since the blob was received, this function returns an error and you will receive a debug message similar to "Parsing ZeroConf blob failed with code -3".
_10SpError SpConnectionLoginPassword(const char *username, const char *password)
Log in a user to Spotify using a password.
Returns kSpErrorGeneralLoginError if a connection is not present. For logging in offline please use SpConnectionLoginBlob Applications must not store the password. Instead, they should implement the callback SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials and store the credentials blob that they receive for subsequent logins using the function SpConnectionLoginBlob
[in] | const char * username | Spotify username. UTF-8 encoded. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH bytes (not UTF-8-encoded characters), not counting the terminating NULL. (For users that log in via Facebook, this is an email address.) |
[in] | const char * password | Password |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The login is performed asynchronously. The return value only indicates whether the library is able to perform the login attempt. The status of the login will be reported via callbacks:
- Spotify Connect-enabled hardware devices must not use this function. Such devices must implement the ZeroConf and use the function SpConnectionLoginBlob instead.
_10SpError SpConnectionLoginOauthToken(const char *oauth_token)
Log in a user to Spotify using a Spotify OAuth token.
For subsequent logins the SpCallbackConnectionNewCredentials callback should be implemented and the received credentials blob should be stored and used. (Note that the OAuth access token itself expires after a short time. The credentials blob returned by the callback allows you to re-login even after the token has expired.)
[in] | const char * oauth_token | Spotify OAuth access token with "streaming" scope. See https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/concepts/authorization/ |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The login is performed asynchronously. The return value only indicates whether the library is able to perform the login attempt. The status of the login will be reported via callbacks:
- Spotify Connect-enabled hardware devices that implement the ZeroConf stack must use the function SpConnectionLoginBlob instead.
_10SpError SpConnectionLogout(void)
Log the user out of Spotify
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The logout is performed asynchronously. The logout is complete when the callback SpCallbackConnectionNotify is called with the event kSpConnectionNotifyLoggedOut
_10uint8_t SpConnectionIsLoggedIn(void)
Is the user logged in to Spotify
1: The user is logged in 0: The user is not logged in
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10const char * SpConnectionGetAckId(void)
Get last Ack ID.
Notes:- This function is deprecated and should not be used.
_10const char * SpGetCanonicalUsername(void)
Get the canonical username of the logged in user.
This function returns the canonical username of the logged in user, which is the unique username used for identifying a specific user for things like playlists and the Spotify Web API. This username might differ from the username used to login. A user can login with an e-mail address or non-canonical unicode. This function will return the canonicalized version of the username after a successful login.
Returns a string containing the username, or NULL if no user is logged in.
Notes:- The canonical username should not be stored persistently. Always store the username as provided by the user, not the canonicalized version.
- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpSetDisplayName(const char *display_name)
Set the display name for the application/device.
This function can be used to change the display name that was passed to SpInit in the field SpConfig::display_name
[in] | const char * display_name | A UTF-8-encoded display name |
Returns an error code
Notes:- The display name is not allowed to be an empty string.
_10SpError SpSetVolumeSteps(uint32_t steps)
Set the volume steps the device is capable of.
This function will indicate the number of intermediate steps from ´min_volume´ to ´max_volume´ that the device supports. If there's no volume control ability it must be set to zero to inform that no volume control is possible at all. The default number of steps if this function is not called is 16.
[in] | uint32_t steps | the number of volume steps the device can support. 0 means no volume steps at all. The max value that is possible to set is 65535. |
Returns an error code
Notes:- There's no commitment from the other Connect clients to respect the volume steps. It's important to call this function passing zero if no volume control is possible though.
_10SpError SpSetDeviceIsGroup(int is_group)
Control if the device represents a group.
A group is a number of devices all playing back the same sound synchronized. Setting this status correctly will allow Spotify clients to display the correct metadata for this device.
[in] | int is_group | 0: Indicate that this device is a single stand-alone device. 1: Indicate that this device represents a group. |
- If device aliases are used, this function should not be used to set the group status. Instead, SpSetDeviceAliases should be used to update group status individually for each alias.
_10SpError SpEnableConnect(void)
Enable Connect functionality for this device.
A device with enabled Connect functionality will show up in other devices' Connect pickers, and will be able to both control them and be controlled. The Spotify embedded library will enable Connect functionality by default
_10SpError SpDisableConnect(void)
Disable Connect functionality for this device.
A device that disables Connect will not be able to control playback on other devices, or be controlled by them.
_10int SpGetSelectedDeviceAlias(void)
Return the currently selected device alias.
The currently selected device alias or -1 if no alias selected.
_10SpError SpPumpEvents(void)
Allow the library to perform asynchronous tasks and process events.
Note: The suggested time interval to call this function is 10ms. This function should not be called from a callback. A typical usage pattern looks like this:
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpRegisterConnectionCallbacks(struct SpConnectionCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register callbacks related to the connection to Spotify
[in] | struct SpConnectionCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpRegisterDebugCallbacks(struct SpDebugCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register a callback that receives debug messages/trace logs.
These callbacks can be registered before SpInit has been called, in order to receive debug logs that occur during initialization.
[in] | struct SpDebugCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callback. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks(struct SpPlaybackCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register playback-related callbacks.
[in] | struct SpPlaybackCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpGetMetadata(struct SpMetadata *metadata, int relative_index)
Retrieve metadata for a track in the current track list.
[out] | struct SpMetadata * metadata | Structure to be filled with the metadata for the track |
[in] | int relative_index | Track index relative to the current track. Some relative indices are defined in the enum SpMetadataTrack |
Returns an error code. Returns kSpErrorFailed if relative_index is out of range.
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
- Be aware that many APIs that change the currently playing context are asynchronous, and the changes will not be immediately reflected in the metadata returned by SpGetMetadata For example, when calling SpPlaybackSkipToNext SpPlaybackEnableShuffle etc., the metadata returned by SpGetMetadata might be unchanged while the command is being processed (which involves network communication). The notification kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged will be sent as soon as SpGetMetadata would return a different result for any relative_index defined in the enum SpMetadataTrack
_10SpError SpGetMetadataImageURL(const char *image_uri, char *image_url, size_t image_url_size)
Return the HTTP URL to an image file from a spotify:image: URI.
[in] | const char * image_uri | image URI returned in SpMetadata::album_cover_uri |
[out] | char * image_url | Pointer to a buffer that will be filled with HTTP URL. |
[in] | size_t image_url_size | size of the image_url buffer. SP_MAX_METADATA_IMAGE_URL_LENGTH is the max amount od data that can be returned in image_url. |
Returns an error code. Returns kSpErrorFailed if the buffer is not big enough.
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpGetPlayerCookie(char *player_cookie, size_t player_cookie_size)
Obtain player cookie for current playback.
The obtained player cookie can then be used to get more detailed metadata for current playback from Spotify's backend using Spotify Web API.
[out] | char * player_cookie | Pointer to a buffer where the player cookie will be copied. This buffer will be reset even if there is no player cookie available. |
[in] | size_t player_cookie_size | Size of the player_cookie buffer. Player cookie length is defined SP_PLAYER_COOKIE_LENGTH and the buffer should be at least SP_PLAYER_COOKIE_LENGTH+1 in size. |
Returns an error code. Returns kSpErrorUnsupported if the build configuration doesn't support player cookies.
Notes:- Experimental, subject to change
_10SpError SpPlaybackPlay(int alias_index)
Start or resume playback.
[in] | int alias_index | The index of the device alias to start playback on. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlaybackPause(void)
Pause playback.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlaybackSkipToNext(void)
Skip playback to the next track in the track list.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlaybackSkipToPrev(void)
Skip playback to the previous track in the track list.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
Returns an error code
Notes:- This function will try to skip to the previous track regardless of the current playback position. If the desired behaviour is to only skip to the previous track UNLESS the current playback position is beyond 3 seconds, the following code example is suggested as a base: if(SpPlaybackGetPosition()/1000=3) SpPlaybackSeek(0); else SpPlaybackSkipToPrev
_10SpError SpPlaybackSeek(uint32_t position_ms)
Seek to a position within the current track.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
[in] | uint32_t position_ms | Position within the track in milliseconds |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlaybackSeekRelative(int32_t time_ms)
Seek a relative amount of time within the current track.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
[in] | int32_t time_ms | Amount of time to seek within the current track, negative values seek backwards and positive values seek forward. |
Returns an error code
_10uint32_t SpPlaybackGetPosition(void)
Get the current playback position within the track.
Playback position in milliseconds
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpPlaybackUpdateVolume(uint16_t volume)
Request a change to the playback volume.
It is the application's responsibility to apply the volume change to its audio output. This function merely notifies the library of the volume change, so that the library can inform other Spotify Connect-enabled devices. Calling this function invokes the SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume callback, which the application can use to apply the actual volume change.
[in] | uint16_t volume | Volume in the range 0 (silence) to 65535 (full volume) |
Returns an error code
Notes:- When the library is initialized, it assumes a volume level of 65535 (maximum volume). The application must invoke SpPlaybackUpdateVolume at some point after calling SpInit to inform the library of the actual volume level of the device's audio output.
_10uint16_t SpPlaybackGetVolume(void)
Get the playback volume level.
This returns the last volume level that the application set using SpPlaybackUpdateVolume or that was reported to the application using SpCallbackPlaybackApplyVolume
Volume level in the range 0 (silence) to 65535 (full volume).
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsPlaying(void)
Is the playback status playing or paused.
1: Playback status is playing 0: Playback status is paused (or no playback has been started at all)
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
- The result of this API is analogous to the playback notifications kSpPlaybackNotifyPlay and kSpPlaybackNotifypause
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsAdPlaying(void)
Is the the current track an Ad or not.
1: The current playing track is an Ad 0: The current playing track is not an Ad.
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsShuffled(void)
Is "shuffle" mode enabled.
1: Shuffle is enabled 0: Shuffle is disabled
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsRepeated(void)
Is "repeat" mode enabled.
1: Repeat is enabled 0: Repeat is disabled
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackGetRepeatMode(void)
What "repeat" mode is on.
0: Repeat is disabled 1: Repeat Context is enabled 2: Repeat Track is enabled
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice(void)
Is the device the active playback device.
1: The device is the active playback device 0: Another device is the active playback device
See also Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpPlaybackEnableShuffle(uint8_t enable)
Enable or disable "shuffle" mode.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
[in] | uint8_t enable | 1 to enable, 0 to disable |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The change to the shuffle mode might not take effect if the API is invoked in the time window between requesting playback of a new context (e.g., by calling SpPlayUri), and playback of the new context actually starting.
_10SpError SpPlaybackEnableRepeat(uint8_t enable)
Enable or disable "repeat" mode.
If the device is not the active speaker (SpPlaybackIsActiveDevice()), the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
[in] | uint8_t enable | 0 to disable, 1 to Repeat Context, 2 to Repeat Track The Repeat values where previously called Repeat and Repeat-1. |
Returns an error code
See alsoSpPlaybackCycleRepeatMode()
_10SpError SpPlaybackCycleRepeatMode(void)
Cycle through the available repeat modes.
Cycles through repeat modes (repeat off, repeat context, repeat track) given their current availability. If for example repeat context is enabled and repeat track is disallowed due to restrictions, this API will go directly to repeat off.
Returns an error code.
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetBitrate(enum SpPlaybackBitrate bitrate)
Change the bitrate at which compressed audio data is delivered.
This will take effect for the next chunk of audio data that is streamed from the backend. The format or sample rate of the audio data that is received does not change.
[in] | enum SpPlaybackBitrate bitrate | The bitrate to be set |
Returns an error code
This function is deprecated and should not be used. See alternatives:
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetAvailableToPlay(uint8_t can_play)
Allow or disallow the device to start playback.
On some platforms, there might be certain situations in which playback should be disallowed temporarily. In this case, when the user tries to start playback on the device using the mobile application, the device should be marked as "Unavailable for playback" in the UI.
[in] | uint8_t can_play | 2 to allow playback (default), 1 to disallow playback without becoming inactive, the playback will be paused, 0 to disallow playback and become inactive. |
- This functionality is reserved for specific integration scenarios. In most cases, when integrating the SDK into a device, this API must not be used. If the device is unable to play (for example, if a firmware upgrade is about to be performed), the application shall log out, shut down the library, and stop announcing the device via the ZeroConf.)
- If the device is currently the active device when setting can_play to 0, the notification kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameInactive will be sent. Playback-related APIs (SpPlaybackPlay(), ...) will return an error code. This setting will persist across logout/login.
This function is deprecated and should not be used. See alternatives:
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsAvailableToPlay(void)
Is the device available for playback.
1: The device is available for playback 0: The device can't accept playback request nor start playback either.
See alsoSpPlaybackSetDeviceInactive()
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetDeviceInactive(void)
Set the device inactive.
If the device is currently the active device, this function stops the playback if playing, sets the device inactive, and sends the notification kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameInactive If the device is already inactive, the error code kSpErrorNotActiveDevice is returned.
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The device gets active and starts playing when integration calls SpPlaybackPlay or SpPlayUri
_10uint8_t SpPlaybackIsDeviceControllable(void)
Is the device controllable.
1: The device is controllable. 0: The device is not controllable so can't accept playback request nor start playback either.
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetDeviceControllable(uint8_t is_controllable)
Allow or disallow the device to be controllable.
On some platforms, there might be certain situations in which the control of the playback should be disallowed temporarily. In this case, when the user tries to start playback on the device using the mobile application, the device should be marked as "Unavailable for playback" in the UI.
[in] | uint8_t is_controllable | When set to 0 eSDK will pause the playback and won't accept local and remote playback commands, the device gets grayed off in the picker. Set to 1 to allow device control, eSDK will accept both local and remote playback commands and the device becomes available in the picker. |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- This functionality is reserved for specific integration scenarios. It can be used to temporarily disallow playback when for example playing cutscenes in video games or taking a phone call while driving a car. This API should not be used if the device is unable to play (for example, if a firmware upgrade is about to be performed), the application shall then instead log out, shut down the library, and stop announcing the device via the ZeroConf.
_10SpError SpPlaybackIncreaseUnderrunCount(uint32_t count)
Increase the underrun counter of the current track.
If playback underruns have been detected in the current track, use this API to report it to eSDK. This should only be called when there was no data to play at all and there was a audible glitch or gap for the user. It should only be called if audio was expected to be played and there was audio before. For example if eSDK is active and playing, but there is an underrun, report it. If eSDK is active and was requested to play something, but it never started, do not report it. If eSDK is active and playing and user skips, there is an expected gap, so report an underrun only if audio data started being delivered from eSDK and then stopped.
[in] | uint32_t count | A counter of how many underruns happened. Some audio stacks have only a getUnderrunCount, so more than one could have occurred since the last one. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetBandwidthLimit(uint32_t max_bytes_per_sec)
Set a limit on the download speed.
By calling this function eSDK will attempt to limit how fast it downloads a track. In some use cases it is preferred to not use the full bandwidth. At the beginning of a download eSDK will do a burst download and then try to obey the limit.
[in] | uint32_t max_bytes_per_sec | approximate bandwidth budget for downloads. To use default bandwidth specify 0. |
Returns an error code
Notes:- eSDK is not guaranteed to stay strictly below the limit but will not exceed it by much It is also not guaranteed to use all available bandwidth.
_10SpError SpPlaybackSetRedeliveryMode(SpReDeliveryMode mode)
Activates redelivery of audio data on play or resume playback.
This function should be called to activate or deactivate audio redelivery for the next calls to SpPlaybackPlay When the client application can't keep unplayed audio in its playback buffers (for example when audio from some other source was played while Spotify was paused) the eSDK should be notified that redelivery of audio data is needed. The audio data is redelivered from the last playback position reported by the integration with the same precision as seek. eSDK will need to redownload the data that was already delivered to integration and therefore there will be a penalty of increased data consumption and latencies. Only use this function when unplayed audio is discarded.
Returns an error code
_10SpReDeliveryMode SpPlaybackIsRedeliveryModeActivated(void)
Gets the status of redelivery mode.
When redelivery mode is activated or deactivated through the API SpPlaybackSetRedeliveryMode, an internal state is updated to keep track of the redelivery behavior. This API exposes this internal state.
Returns redelivery mode status: kSpRedeliveryModeActivated or kSpRedeliveryModeDeactivated
_10SpError SpPresetSubscribe(int preset_id, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buff_size)
Subscribe to receive "preset" tokens for use with SpPlayPreset
This function subscribes to receive periodic "preset" tokens that represent the currently playing context. They can be used to resume from the current context and position with SpPlayPreset This allows implementation of presets, which can be mapped to physical or virtual buttons, to allow users to save their favorite contexts for quick access. The tokens must be saved to persistent storage and be maintained across power cycles. SpPresetSubscribe must be provided a buffer to store the preset tokens in. This buffer must be a pointer to valid, writeable memory until the callback is unregistered with SpPresetUnsubscribe SpConnectionLogout or SpFree or whenever the playing context changes. The tokens are delivered asynchronously via the SpCallbackSavePreset callback, which must be registered with SpRegisterPlaybackCallbacks prior to calling SpPresetSubscribe Each time the SpCallbackSavePreset callback is called, any previously saved token for the current preset must be discarded and replaced with the updated value.
[in] | int preset_id | An integer indicating which preset this subscription is for. For products with numbered presets, this should match the number of the preset button. For use-cases with no integer mapping, this should be specified as -1. |
[in] | uint8_t * buffer | Pointer to a buffer that will be filled with the preset tokens. This must be a valid memory location until the preset is unregistered. |
[in] | size_t buff_size | Input: buff_size specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by buffer. The buffer should be big enough to hold SP_PRESET_BUFFER_SIZE bytes. |
Returns an error code
Notes:- The buffer passed to SpPresetSubscribe must be SP_PRESET_BUFFER_SIZE, but the actual preset tokens received from the SpCallbackSavePreset callback will typically be much smaller.
- A subscription is only for the currently playing context, and only one subscription is possible at a time.
- At times, some contexts may not be possible to save as presets. Errors will be indicated via the SpCallbackSavePreset callback.
_10SpError SpPresetUnsubscribe(void)
Unsubscribe from a previously subscribed preset.
SpPresetUnsubscribe unsubscribes from receiving preset callbacks. This is the opposite of SpPresetSubscribe After calling this function, the memory buffer provided to SpPresetSubscribe is released by eSDK and can be deallocated.
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlayPreset(int preset_id, uint32_t playback_position, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buff_size, int alias_index)
Recall and play a saved or default preset.
SpPlayPreset accepts a preset token that was previously received from using SpPresetSubscribe restores the context and playback state to as it was when the token was saved, and starts playback. For default user-recommended playlists, SpPlayPreset can be used with buffer set to NULL. Spotify will pick a default playlist to play based on popularity and user recommendations. The correct preset_id should still be provided to guarantee a good mixture of recommended playlists. Default presets do not require subscribing with SpPresetSubscribe Integrations should always use SpPresetSubscribe to subscribe to token updates in conjunction with using SpPlayPreset
[in] | int preset_id | An integer indicating which preset this token is for. For products with numbered presets, this should match the number of the preset button, starting from 1. For use-cases with no integer mapping, this should be specified as -1. |
[in] | uint32_t playback_position | The playback position specified with the preset token from the SpCallbackSavePreset callback. |
[in] | uint8_t * buffer | Preset blob obtained with SpPresetSubscribe or NULL to play a default user-recommended playlist. |
[in] | size_t buff_size | The size of buffer, or 0 if buffer is NULL. |
[in] | int alias_index | The index of the device alias to start playback on. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpZeroConfGetVars(struct SpZeroConfVars *vars)
Get variables for ZeroConf, mainly the "getInfo" request.
The application should use this function to retrieve the data that it should send in the response to the "getInfo" request. See the ZeroConf manual for more information. There are also other fields here that might be needed for ZeroConf.
[out] | struct SpZeroConfVars * vars | Structure to be filled with the variables |
- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpZeroConfAnnouncePause(void)
Temporarily pause ZeroConf mDNS annoucements.
Returns an error code
Notes:- This call requries ZeroConf to be started (by setting SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when calling SpInit
_10SpError SpZeroConfAnnounceResume(void)
Resume ZeroConf mDNS annoucement after calling SpZeroConfAnnouncePause
Returns an error code
Notes:- This call requries ZeroConf to be started (by setting SpConfig::zeroconf_serve when calling SpInit
_10SpError SpConnectionLoginZeroConf(const char *username, const char *zero_conf_blob, const char *client_key, const char *login_id, const char *token_type)
Log in a user to Spotify using a ZeroConf credentials blob.
This function logs in with the information that the application receives in the "addUser" ZeroConf request. See the ZeroConf manual.
[in] | const char * username | Spotify username. UTF-8 encoded. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH bytes (not UTF-8-encoded characters), not counting the terminating NULL. |
[in] | const char * zero_conf_blob | Credentials blob from the "blob" field of the request. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_ZEROCONF_BLOB_LENGTH bytes, not counting the terminating NULL. |
[in] | const char * client_key | Client key from the "clientKey" field of the request. This may be NULL if not supplied in the "addUser" request. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_CLIENT_KEY_LENGTH bytes, not counting the terminating NULL. |
[in] | const char * login_id | Login ID from the "loginId" field of the request. This may be NULL if not supplied in the "addUser" request. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_LOGIN_ID_LENGTH bytes, not counting the terminating NULL. |
[in] | const char * token_type | Token type from the "tokenType" field of the request. This may be NULL if not supplied in the "addUser" request. Must not be longer than SP_MAX_TOKEN_TYPE_LENGTH bytes, not counting the terminating NULL. |
Returns an error code
See also Notes:- The login is performed asynchronously. The return value only indicates whether the library is able to perform the login attempt. The status of the login will be reported via callbacks:
_10const char * SpGetBrandName(void)
This function can be used to get the brand name. If the field SpConfig::brand_display_name was set at SpInit it returns that, otherwise it returns what was set in the mandatory field SpConfig::brand_name
The UTF-8-encoded brand name
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10const char * SpGetModelName(void)
This function can be used to get the model name. If the field SpConfig::model_display_name was set at SpInit it returns that, otherwise it returns what was set in the mandatory field SpConfig::model_name
The UTF-8-encoded model name
Notes:- This API can be invoked from a callback.
_10SpError SpRegisterDeviceAliasCallbacks(struct SpDeviceAliasCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register callbacks related to device aliases.
[in] | struct SpDeviceAliasCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpSetDeviceAliases(const struct SpDeviceAlias *aliases)
Update the device alias definitions.
Call this whenever the current alias definitions are updated. The id values for the aliases must be unique within the array. aliases Pointer to an array of SpDeviceAlias structs filled in with the new alias names and corresponding attributes. The array size must be of size SP_MAX_DEVICE_ALIASES.
[in] | const struct SpDeviceAlias * aliases | Pointer to an array of SpDeviceAlias structs filled in with the new alias names and corresponding attributes. The array size must be of size SP_MAX_DEVICE_ALIASES. |
_10SpError SpRestrictDrmMediaFormats(const struct SpFormat formats[SP_MAX_SUPPORTED_FORMATS])
Restricts the list of DRM and media formats to a subset of the formats registered in SpInit To lift the restrictions use SpRestoreDrmMediaFormats
See alsoSpRestoreDrmMediaFormats()
_10SpError SpRestoreDrmMediaFormats(void)
Resets the list of DRM formats and media formats to the ones registered in SpInit
See alsoContent
_10#include "spotify_embedded_content.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpContentCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterContentCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackTrackCacheState | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to inform the client about how much data is actually cached for particular track starting from the beginning in percents. For example is 60 reported it mean 60% of the track is cached started from the beginning. |
SpCallbackStorageKeyContentMapping | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client how storage_key used to store the data through Storage API is mapped to particular content being stored. SpContentType is used to specify exact content type. For example: hint being equal to kSpContentTrack means descriptor would be in form of: spotify:track:[base62]. |
SpCallbackTrackRelinked | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client about the fact that requested track is substituted with another (relinked) one during prefetch/offline process. |
SpCallbackTrackRemoved | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client that the track is removed. |
SpCallbackOnAvailableContainer | Callback for each available container. |
Return to header index
SpContentType |
Return to header index
SpRegisterContentCallbacks |
Data Structures
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterContentCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL.
Notes:- See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpContentCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackTrackCacheState track_state_callback;_10 SpCallbackStorageKeyContentMapping store_key_map_callback;_10 SpCallbackTrackRelinked track_relink_callback;_10 SpCallbackTrackRemoved track_removed_callback;_10 SpCallbackOnAvailableContainer on_available_container;_10};
SpCallbackTrackCacheState | track_state_callback | Track cached state callback. |
SpCallbackStorageKeyContentMapping | store_key_map_callback | Content mapping callback. |
SpCallbackTrackRelinked | track_relink_callback | Notify about track relink during prefetch/offline. |
SpCallbackTrackRemoved | track_removed_callback | Notify about track removal. |
SpCallbackOnAvailableContainer | on_available_container | Notify about an available container item. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackTrackCacheState)(const char *track_uri, uint32_t percents, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to inform the client about how much data is actually cached for particular track starting from the beginning in percents. For example is 60 reported it mean 60% of the track is cached started from the beginning.
[in] | const char * track_uri | Track URI which status is reported. |
[in] | uint32_t percents | How much data is cached in percent. Range: [0 - 100%] |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. This callback is called before each track delivery is started.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackStorageKeyContentMapping)(const char *storage_key, const char *descriptor, enum SpContentType hint, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client how storage_key used to store the data through Storage API is mapped to particular content being stored. SpContentType is used to specify exact content type. For example: hint being equal to kSpContentTrack means descriptor would be in form of: spotify:track:[base62].
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key that was used in Alloc/Read/Write API. |
[in] | const char * descriptor | Content descriptor. Value depends on hint. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. This callback is called as soon as possible after Alloc callback of Storage API has been called and succeeds.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackTrackRelinked)(const char *original_uri, const char *new_uri, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client about the fact that requested track is substituted with another (relinked) one during prefetch/offline process.
[in] | const char * original_uri | Initial URI passed into eSDK PrefetchURI/OfflineURI function calls. |
[in] | const char * new_uri | URI that is obtained after relink has happened. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackTrackRemoved)(const char *track_uri, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to notify the client that the track is removed.
track_uri URI passed into eSDK PlayURI/PrefetchURI/OfflineURI function calls. context Context provided in callback register procedure.
[in] | const char * track_uri | URI passed into eSDK PlayURI/PrefetchURI/OfflineURI function calls. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackOnAvailableContainer)(const char *uri, int total, void *context)
Callback for each available container.
[in] | const char * uri | URI of a container |
[in] | int total | Total number of containers |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- Experimental, subject of change
_10enum SpContentType {_10 kSpContentTrack,_10 kSpContentTrackMetadata,_10};
kSpContentTrack | Content pointed by descriptor is spotify playable item URI (track or episode) |
kSpContentTrackMetadata | Content pointed by descriptor is spotify playable item URI for which metadata is saved. |
_10SpError SpRegisterContentCallbacks(struct SpContentCallbacks *callbacks, void *context)
[in] | struct SpContentCallbacks * callbacks | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10#include "spotify_embedded_hal.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpSockaddr | Struct contains resolved hostname ip address and its family. |
SpDnsHALCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks |
SpSocketHandle | Socket handle type. |
SpSocketHALCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackPerformDNSLookup | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to perform DNS lookup. If expected that lookup could take significant amount of time client may do it asynchronously in which case value of kSpAPITryAgain could be returned. |
SpCallbackSocketCreate | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to create socket of certain type and family. |
SpCallbackSocketSetOption | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to set specific options on previously created socket. |
SpCallbackSocketClose | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to close previously opened socket. |
SpCallbackSocketBind | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to bind to provided socket. |
SpCallbackSocketListen | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to start listening provided socket. This callbacks has no effect on UPD sockets. |
SpCallbackSocketConnect | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to connect to specified host and remote port. |
SpCallbackSocketAccept | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to accept connection on provided socket. |
SpCallbackSocketRead | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to read the data from socket. |
SpCallbackSocketWrite | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to write data to socket. |
SpCallbackSocketReadFrom | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to read the data from socket addressed by SpSockaddr instance. |
SpCallbackSocketWriteTo | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to write data to socket addressed by SpSockaddr instance. |
SpCallbackSocketError | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to get underlying OS error code. |
SpCallbackSocketReadable | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to figure out if socket is readable. |
SpCallbackSocketWriteable | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to figure out if socket is writable. |
SpCallbackLocalAddresses | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to get local interface addresses. If the clent can't get local interfaces implementation should fill provided *num_addrs with 0. |
SpCallbackSocketAddress | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to provide platform defined representation of address that can be used in SpCallbackSocketReadFrom and SpCallbackSocketWriteTo Client responsible for providing returned pointer lifetime. |
SpCallbackPump | This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to pump network layer. |
Return to header index
SpIPFamily | |
SpSocketPool | |
SpSocketType | |
SpSocketOptions |
Return to header index
SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks | Register HAL-related callbacks. Should be called right after SpInit |
SpGetDefaultDnsHALCallbacks | Get eSDK's default DNS callbacks. |
SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks | Register socket HAL-related callbacks. To remove callbacks call SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks with SpSocketHALCallbacks initialized to zeros. |
SpGetDefaultSocketHALCallbacks | Get eSDK's default socket callbacks. |
Data Structures
Struct contains resolved hostname ip address and its family.
_10struct SpSockaddr {_10 enum SpIPFamily family;_10 uint8_t addr;_10 int port;_10};
enum SpIPFamily | family | IP protocol family for which lookup is requested. |
uint8_t | addr | Ip address. Network byte order. |
int | port | Contains port value if applicable. Host byte order. |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. To remove DNS callback at any time call SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks with SpDnsHALCallbacks which has dns_lookup_callback set to NULL.
Notes:- See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpDnsHALCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackPerformDNSLookup dns_lookup_callback;_10};
SpCallbackPerformDNSLookup | dns_lookup_callback | DNS lookup callback. If NULL eSDK will use its internal DNS resolve mechanism. |
Socket handle type.
_10struct SpSocketHandle {_10 void *handle;_10 void *tls;_10};
void * | handle | Client defined socket representation. |
void * | tls | Can be used by the TLS implementation to store connection specific state. |
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_19struct SpSocketHALCallbacks {_19 SpCallbackSocketCreate socket_create;_19 SpCallbackSocketSetOption socket_set_option;_19 SpCallbackSocketClose socket_close;_19 SpCallbackSocketBind socket_bind;_19 SpCallbackSocketListen socket_listen;_19 SpCallbackSocketConnect socket_connect;_19 SpCallbackSocketAccept socket_accept;_19 SpCallbackSocketRead socket_read;_19 SpCallbackSocketWrite socket_write;_19 SpCallbackSocketReadFrom socket_read_from;_19 SpCallbackSocketWriteTo socket_write_to;_19 SpCallbackSocketError socket_error;_19 SpCallbackSocketReadable socket_readable;_19 SpCallbackSocketWriteable socket_writable;_19 SpCallbackLocalAddresses local_addresses;_19 SpCallbackSocketAddress socket_address;_19 SpCallbackPump on_pump;_19};
SpCallbackSocketCreate | socket_create | Callback to create socket instance. |
SpCallbackSocketSetOption | socket_set_option | Callback to set options on created socket. |
SpCallbackSocketClose | socket_close | Callback to close the socket. |
SpCallbackSocketBind | socket_bind | Callback to bind to socket. |
SpCallbackSocketListen | socket_listen | Callback to start listening the socket. |
SpCallbackSocketConnect | socket_connect | Callback to connect to socket. |
SpCallbackSocketAccept | socket_accept | Callback to accept connection on socket. |
SpCallbackSocketRead | socket_read | Callback to read data from socket. |
SpCallbackSocketWrite | socket_write | Callback to write data to socket. |
SpCallbackSocketReadFrom | socket_read_from | Callback to read data from socket pointed by address. |
SpCallbackSocketWriteTo | socket_write_to | Callback to write data to socket pointed by address. |
SpCallbackSocketError | socket_error | Callback to get OS error on socket. |
SpCallbackSocketReadable | socket_readable | Callback to get readable state on socket. |
SpCallbackSocketWriteable | socket_writable | Callback to get writable state on socket. |
SpCallbackLocalAddresses | local_addresses | Callback to get local interface addresses. |
SpCallbackSocketAddress | socket_address | Callback to platform address representation. |
SpCallbackPump | on_pump | Callback to pump network layer. |
_10typedef enum SpCallbackPerformDNSLookup)(const char *hostname, struct SpSockaddr *sockaddr, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to perform DNS lookup. If expected that lookup could take significant amount of time client may do it asynchronously in which case value of kSpAPITryAgain could be returned.
[in] | const char * hostname | Name to be resolved. |
[in] | struct SpSockaddr * sockaddr | Pointer to SpSockaddr structure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. Port value of SpSockaddr is ignored.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketCreate)(enum SpIPFamily family, enum SpSocketType type, enum SpSocketPool pool_id, struct SpSocketHandle **socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to create socket of certain type and family.
[in] | enum SpIPFamily family | Socket family as specified in SpIPFamily |
[in] | enum SpSocketType type | Socket type as specified in SpSocketType |
[in] | enum SpSocketPool pool_id | Socket pool ID to create the new socket from |
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle ** socket | Pointer to valid SpSocketHandle instance in case of success. Unchanged in case of failure. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketSetOption)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, enum SpSocketOptions option, void *value, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to set specific options on previously created socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | enum SpSocketOptions option | One of SpSocketOptions options. |
[in] | void * value | Option value. Depends on particular SpSocketOptions option. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketClose)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to close previously opened socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketBind)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, int *port, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to bind to provided socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | int * port | Port which eSDK would listen to (host byte order). If (*port) is zero, the bound port should be stored in (*port). |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketListen)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, int backlog, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to start listening provided socket. This callbacks has no effect on UPD sockets.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | int backlog | Parameter defines the maximum length for the queue of pending connections. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketConnect)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, const struct SpSockaddr *addr, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to connect to specified host and remote port.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | const struct SpSockaddr * addr | Address to connect to. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketAccept)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, enum SpSocketPool pool_id, struct SpSocketHandle **out_socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to accept connection on provided socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle **out_ socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | enum SpSocketPool pool_id | Socket pool ID to create the new socket from |
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle ** out_socket | Socket created by accepting connection. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketRead)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *data, int data_size, int *bytes_read, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to read the data from socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | void * data | Buffer to read data into. |
[in] | int data_size | Amount of requested data to read. |
[in] | int * bytes_read | Pointer to store how much bytes actually read. If NULL, read is still performed. Should be unchanged if read failed. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketWrite)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, const void *data, int data_size, int *bytes_written, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to write data to socket.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | const void * data | Buffer with data to be written. |
[in] | int data_size | Amount of data to write. |
[in] | int * bytes_written | Pointer to store how much bytes actually written. If NULL, write is still performed. Should unchanged if write failed. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketReadFrom)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *data, int data_size, const void **addr, int *bytes_read, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to read the data from socket addressed by SpSockaddr instance.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | void * data | Buffer to read data into. |
[in] | int data_size | Amount of requested data to read. |
[in] | const void ** addr | Platform defined addr pointer. eSDK does not modify it. Just pass through to write_to. |
[in] | int * bytes_read | Pointer to store how much bytes actually read. If NULL, read is still performed. Should be unchanged if read failed. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. This callback should mirror the behavior of recvfrom for connected/non-connected sockets.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackSocketWriteTo)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, const void *data, int data_size, const void *addr, int *bytes_written, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to write data to socket addressed by SpSockaddr instance.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | const void * data | Buffer with data to be written. |
[in] | int data_size | Amount of data to write. |
[in] | const void * addr | Pointer received in the call to SpCallbackSocketReadFrom |
[in] | int * bytes_written | Pointer to store how much bytes actually written. If NULL, write is still performed. Should unchanged if write failed. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. This callback should mirror the behavior of writeto for connected/non-connected sockets.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackSocketError)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to get underlying OS error code.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance for which error code is requested. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackSocketReadable)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to figure out if socket is readable.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackSocketWriteable)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to figure out if socket is writable.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Socket instance to perform action with. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackLocalAddresses)(struct SpSockaddr *addrs, int *num_addrs, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to get local interface addresses. If the clent can't get local interfaces implementation should fill provided *num_addrs with 0.
[in] | int *num_ addrs | Pointer to array of SpSockaddr to store the data. Data in network byte order. |
[in] | int * num_addrs | Array size on input, number of items stored in the array on output. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef const void *(* SpCallbackSocketAddress)(const struct SpSockaddr *addr, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to provide platform defined representation of address that can be used in SpCallbackSocketReadFrom and SpCallbackSocketWriteTo Client responsible for providing returned pointer lifetime.
[in] | const struct SpSockaddr * addr | Address to convert. Network byte order. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackPump)(unsigned max_wait_ms, void *context)
This callback if set by client is called by eSDK to pump network layer.
[in] | unsigned max_wait_ms | Maximum time to wait in one pump call |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register procedure. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10enum SpIPFamily {_10 kSpIPV4,_10 kSpIPV6,_10};
kSpIPV4 | IP v4 family. |
kSpIPV6 | IP v6 family. |
_10enum SpSocketPool {_10 kSpSocketPoolGeneral,_10 kSpSocketPoolZeroConf,_10};
kSpSocketPoolGeneral | Sockets used for backend, streaming, etc. |
kSpSocketPoolZeroConf | Sockets used for ZeroConf. |
_10enum SpSocketType {_10 kSpSocketStream,_10 kSpSocketDgram,_10};
kSpSocketStream | Stream socket type. |
kSpSocketDgram | Datagram socket type. |
_10enum SpSocketOptions {_10 kSpSocketNonBlocking,_10 kSpSocketReuseAddr,_10 kSpSocketReusePort,_10 kSpSocketMulticastTTL,_10 kSpSocketMulticastLoop,_10 kSpSocketMembership,_10 kSpSocketMcastSendIf,_10};
kSpSocketNonBlocking | Nonblocking mode has to be set by the implementation if possible. POSIX analog: TCP_NODELAY. |
kSpSocketReuseAddr | Reuse address mode has to be set if possible. POSIX analog: SO_REUSEADDR. Value 0 or 1. |
kSpSocketReusePort | Reuse port mode has to be set if possible. POSIX analog: SO_REUSEPORT. Value 0 or 1. |
kSpSocketMulticastTTL | Multicast TTL has to be set if possible. POSIX analog: IP_MULTICAST_TTL. Value [0, 255]. |
kSpSocketMulticastLoop | Multicast loop has to be set if possible. POSIX analog: IP_MULTICAST_LOOP. Value 0 or 1. |
kSpSocketMembership | Set group address if possible. POSIX analog: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP. value is pointer SpSockaddr Address is in network byte order. Port field is not applicable. |
kSpSocketMcastSendIf | Set outgoing multicast interface. POSIX analog: IP_MULTICAST_IF. value is pointer to SpSockaddr Address is in network byte order. Port field is not applicable. |
_10SpError SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks(struct SpDnsHALCallbacks *callbacks, void *context)
Register HAL-related callbacks. Should be called right after SpInit
[in] | struct SpDnsHALCallbacks * callbacks | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code.
Notes:- To remove DNS callback at any time call SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks with SpDnsHALCallbacks which has dns_lookup_callback set to NULL. Setting DNS callback make sense only if eSDK uses its own socket implementation. If the client provides whole socket API it is also reponsible for hostname resolving if needed. Setting DNS callbacks with provided socket callbacks makes no effect.
_10SpError SpGetDefaultDnsHALCallbacks(struct SpDnsHALCallbacks *callbacks)
Get eSDK's default DNS callbacks.
[in] | struct SpDnsHALCallbacks * callbacks | SpDnsHALCallbacks struct to be populated with pointers to callback functions |
Returns an error code.
Notes:- These callbacks are made available so they may be wrapped by custom DNS functions provided with SpRegisterDnsHALCallbacks
_10SpError SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks(struct SpSocketHALCallbacks *callbacks, void *context)
Register socket HAL-related callbacks. To remove callbacks call SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks with SpSocketHALCallbacks initialized to zeros.
[in] | struct SpSocketHALCallbacks * callbacks | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Either all pointers are NULL or all are valid. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
Notes:- A call to this function has to be performed before SpInit is called. Calling this function when eSDK is initialized will fail with kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized
_10SpError SpGetDefaultSocketHALCallbacks(struct SpSocketHALCallbacks *callbacks, void **context)
Get eSDK's default socket callbacks.
[in] | struct SpSocketHALCallbacks * callbacks | SpSocketHALCallbacks struct to be populated with pointers to callback functions |
[in] | void ** context | the default context that is being used. |
Returns an error code.
Notes:- These callbacks are made available so they may be wrapped by custom socket functions provided with SpRegisterSocketHALCallbacks
_10#include "spotify_embedded_log.h"
Macros and Constants
Return to header index
SP_LOG_DECLARE_TRACE_OBJ | extern struct |
SP_LOG_REGISTER_TRACE_OBJ | See macro below |
SP_LOG | See macro below |
SpLogFatal | See macro below |
SpLogError | See macro below |
SpLogWarning | See macro below |
SpLogInfo | See macro below |
SpLogDebug | See macro below |
SpLogTrace | See macro below |
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpLogTraceObject | Trace object. |
Return to header index
SpLogLevel |
Return to header index
SpLogRegisterTraceObject | Register a defined trace object with eSDK. |
SpLog | Output a debug message via eSDK. |
SpLogSetLevel | Control the current logging level. |
SpLogGetLevels | Get registered trace objects and log levels. |
Macros and Constants
Default trace log level.
_10#define SP_LOG_DEFINE_TRACE_OBJ struct
Macro to define a trace object.
obj Name of the trace object
_10#define SP_LOG_DECLARE_TRACE_OBJ extern struct
Macro to declare a previously defined trace object.
obj Name of the trace object
_10#define SP_LOG_REGISTER_TRACE_OBJ SpLogRegisterTraceObject(&trace_obj_##obj)
Macro to register a previously defined trace object.
obj Name of the trace object
_10#define SP_LOG do { \_10 if (trace_obj_##obj.level >= lvl) { \
Macro that outputs a trace message.
obj Trace object name lvl Trace level for the message file Source file name func Calling function name line Line number in the source file
_10#define SpLogFatal SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL.
_10#define SpLogError SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR.
_10#define SpLogWarning SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING.
_10#define SpLogInfo SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO.
_10#define SpLogDebug SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG.
_10#define SpLogTrace SP_LOG(obj, SP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
Emit trace message with SP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE.
Data Structures
Trace object.
The trace object is an abstraction of a specific trace message category and an associated log level. The level can be changed freely for individual trace objects.
_10struct SpLogTraceObject {_10 SpLogLevel level;_10 const char *name;_10};
SpLogLevel | level | The current debug level for this trace object. |
const char * | name | The trace category name describing this trace object. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL | Indicates a severe abnormal condition and program termination. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | Indicates an abnormal condition that could result in degraded functionality. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | Indicates a condition that probably has some impact on execution or performance. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | Informational message. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | Debug message. |
SP_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE | Trace message. |
_10SpError SpLogRegisterTraceObject(struct SpLogTraceObject *obj)
Register a defined trace object with eSDK.
[in] | struct SpLogTraceObject * obj | Pointer to trace object |
Return kSpErrorOk on success, or error code on failure.
_10void SpLog(const struct SpLogTraceObject *obj, SpLogLevel level, const char *file, const char *func, int line, const char *format,...)
Output a debug message via eSDK.
obj Pointer to trace object level The log level associated this this message file The source file from where the call is made, typically FILE. func The function name from where the call is made, typically func. line The line number from where the call is made, typically LINE. format A printf style format string followed by arguments.
[in] | const struct SpLogTraceObject * obj | Pointer to trace object |
[in] | SpLogLevel level | The log level associated this this message |
[in] | const char * file | The source file from where the call is made, typically FILE. |
[in] | const char * func | The function name from where the call is made, typically func. |
[in] | int line | The line number from where the call is made, typically LINE. |
[in] | const char * format | A printf style format string followed by arguments. |
_10SpError SpLogSetLevel(const char *category, SpLogLevel level)
Control the current logging level.
Control the logging level for a particular category. If the current configured log level is greater than or equal to the level associated with the message, the log message will be passed to the debug log callback. Each log message is also associated with a category. The category is a string that is included in the log message output. Each individual category has a separate current log level. The log messages produced by the eSDK are formatted as: LEVEL CATEGORY MESSAGE where LEVEL is a single letter indicating the log level (E=Error, I=Info, etc.), CATEGORY is a short string that identifies the log category, for example 'api' and MESSAGE is the actual debug message. As an example, a debug output string with level set to SP_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR (letter "E") and the category "api" could look something like this (the timestamp is not actually part of the debug message from eSDK, but added by the DebugMessageCallback. Thus, the format may not exactly match the example below). 12:01:02.000 E api Invalid parameter passed to SpInit
[in] | const char * category | Identifies the log category for which to set the logging level. If NULL is passed in this parameter, the level will be applied to all categories. |
[in] | SpLogLevel level | The log level defined by SpLogLevel |
Returns an error code if the category is not a valid log category.
_10SpError SpLogGetLevels(char *buffer, int buffer_len)
Get registered trace objects and log levels.
The information about trace objects and levels is represented as a string containing comma separated tuples level:trace obj, e.g. "4:app,4:esdk,4:audio".
[in] | char * buffer | A buffer to copy the string to. |
[in] | int buffer_len | Length of the buffer |
Returns an error code if buffer is not big enough.
_10#include "spotify_embedded_media.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpStreamCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterStreamCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackStreamStart | Callback to tell application of the track details. |
SpCallbackStreamData | Callback deliver data to the integration. |
SpCallbackStreamEnd | Callback to tell integration that all data was delivered. |
SpCallbackStreamGetPosition | Callback get the playback position in milliseconds. |
SpCallbackStreamSeekToPosition | Callback to tell the integration to seek to a position. |
SpCallbackStreamFlush | Callback to tell the integration to flush. |
Return to header index
SpMediaFormat |
Return to header index
SpRegisterStreamCallbacks | Register callbacks related to the delivery api. |
SpNotifySeekComplete | API to notify eSDK of the completion of seek operation. |
SpNotifyTrackLength | API to notify eSDK of the track length in milliseconds. |
SpNotifyTrackError | API to notify eSDK of any track errors with last played position. |
SpNotifyStreamPlaybackStarted | Notify eSDK that the first audio sample of the delivery has been played. |
SpNotifyStreamPlaybackContinued | Notify eSDK that the first audio sample after a flush of a delivery has been played. |
SpNotifyStreamPlaybackFinishedNaturally | Notify eSDK that the delivery playback finished by playing the last sample of the delivery. |
SpSetDownloadPosition | API to instruct eSDK to start downloading from given byte offset. |
Data Structures
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterStreamCallbacks
_10struct SpStreamCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackStreamStart on_start;_10 SpCallbackStreamData on_data;_10 SpCallbackStreamEnd on_end;_10 SpCallbackStreamGetPosition on_get_position;_10 SpCallbackStreamSeekToPosition on_seek_position;_10 SpCallbackStreamFlush on_flush;_10};
SpCallbackStreamStart | on_start | Start of delivery callback. |
SpCallbackStreamData | on_data | Data delivery callback. |
SpCallbackStreamEnd | on_end | End of delivery callback. |
SpCallbackStreamGetPosition | on_get_position | Current playback position callback. |
SpCallbackStreamSeekToPosition | on_seek_position | Seek to position callback. |
SpCallbackStreamFlush | on_flush | Flush callback. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackStreamStart)(unsigned int stream_id, enum SpMediaFormat media_format, enum SpDrmFormat drm_format, uint32_t stream_size_bytes, void *format_specifics, void *context)
Callback to tell application of the track details.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks stream_id Unique identifier to identify tracks media_format Information about the format of the audio data. drm_format Information about the used DRM method stream_size_bytes Size of the stream in bytes. If the size is unknown, 0 is used. format_specifics Format dependent additional information. context Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | enum SpMediaFormat media_format | Information about the format of the audio data. |
[in] | enum SpDrmFormat drm_format | Information about the used DRM method |
[in] | uint32_t stream_size_bytes | Size of the stream in bytes. If the size is unknown, 0 is used. |
[in] | void * format_specifics | Format dependent additional information. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10typedef size_t(* SpCallbackStreamData)(unsigned int stream_id, const void *buf, size_t len, uint32_t offset, void *context)
Callback deliver data to the integration.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | const void * buf | Block of data (it can be audio or video data) |
[in] | size_t len | Size of the data |
[in] | uint32_t offset | Byte offset in the data stream (relative to the start) |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackStreamEnd)(unsigned int stream_id, void *context)
Callback to tell integration that all data was delivered.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks stream_id Unique identifier to identify tracks context Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10typedef uint32_t(* SpCallbackStreamGetPosition)(unsigned int stream_id, void *context)
Callback get the playback position in milliseconds.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackStreamSeekToPosition)(unsigned int stream_id, uint32_t position_ms, void *context)
Callback to tell the integration to seek to a position.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks When receiving this callback, the integration should start to seek to the given position. The integration is expected to call SpSetDownloadPosition to instruct eSDK to start downloading from a byte offset corresponding to the position given in this callback. stream_id Unique identifier to identify tracks position_ms Position in time within the track where to seek to context Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | uint32_t position_ms | Position in time within the track where to seek to |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10typedef uint32_t(* SpCallbackStreamFlush)(unsigned int *playing_stream_id, void *context)
Callback to tell the integration to flush.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterStreamCallbacks When receiving this callback, the integration should: Forget all queued audio and compressed data Forget any deliveries that have ended except the playing one
[out] | unsigned int * playing_stream_id | The delivery of the track which is currently playing. If nothing is playing, zero should be used |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
_10enum SpMediaFormat {_10 kSpMediaFormatSpotifyOggVorbis,_10 kSpMediaFormatMp3,_10 kSpMediaFormatMp4AAC,_10 kSpMediaFormatSpacAAC,_10 kSpMediaFormatSpotifyManifestId,_10};
kSpMediaFormatSpotifyOggVorbis | ogg/vorbis 44.1 kHz stereo audio format with Spotify metadata page |
kSpMediaFormatMp3 | mp3 |
kSpMediaFormatMp4AAC | mp4/aac-lc |
kSpMediaFormatSpacAAC | spac/aac-he-v2 |
kSpMediaFormatSpotifyManifestId | Spotify video manifest id. |
_10SpError SpRegisterStreamCallbacks(struct SpStreamCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register callbacks related to the delivery api.
[in] | struct SpStreamCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpNotifySeekComplete(unsigned int stream_id)
API to notify eSDK of the completion of seek operation.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpNotifyTrackLength(unsigned int stream_id, uint32_t length_ms)
API to notify eSDK of the track length in milliseconds.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | uint32_t length_ms | Position in milliseconds of the track |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpNotifyTrackError(unsigned int stream_id, uint32_t position_ms, const char *reason)
API to notify eSDK of any track errors with last played position.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | uint32_t position_ms | Position in milliseconds of the track |
[in] | const char * reason | The reason for the error |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpNotifyStreamPlaybackStarted(unsigned int stream_id)
Notify eSDK that the first audio sample of the delivery has been played.
This is used by the eSDK to measure playback latency.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
Returns an error code. Returns kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized if SpNotifyStreamPlaybackStarted has already been called for this delivery.
_10SpError SpNotifyStreamPlaybackContinued(unsigned int stream_id)
Notify eSDK that the first audio sample after a flush of a delivery has been played.
This is used by the eSDK to measure seek latency.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpNotifyStreamPlaybackFinishedNaturally(unsigned int stream_id, uint32_t last_pos_ms)
Notify eSDK that the delivery playback finished by playing the last sample of the delivery.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | uint32_t last_pos_ms | Position in milliseconds of the track |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpSetDownloadPosition(unsigned int stream_id, uint32_t byte_offset)
API to instruct eSDK to start downloading from given byte offset.
[in] | unsigned int stream_id | Unique identifier to identify tracks |
[in] | uint32_t byte_offset | New download byte offset (relative to the start of the stream) where downloading could continue. |
Returns an error code
_10#include "spotify_embedded_play_api.h"
Macros and Constants
Return to header index
SP_NO_INDEX | -1 |
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpSourceInfo | Metadata for identifying where a playback request originated from. |
SpPlayOptions | PlayOptions passed to SpPlayUriWithOptions |
Return to header index
SpPlayUri | Start local playback of any Spotify URI. |
SpPlayUriWithOptions | Play Uri with SpPlayOptions |
SpPlayContextUri | Start local playback of any Spotify URI with an optional track UID. |
SpQueueUri | Queue a URI. The track will be in queue only after kSpPlaybackNotifyQueuedTrackAccepted event is raised, but for UI purposes one can choose to monitor for kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged instead. |
SpPlaybackBecomeActiveDevice | Become active without starting to play. |
SpPlayPresetEx | Extension for SpPlayPreset: Play a saved preset from different position, optionally with source info. |
Macros and Constants
_10#define SP_NO_INDEX -1
Indicates that the index value is not set. Note: Can only be used with eSDK 3.
_10#define SP_MAX_UUID_LENGTH 36
Maximum length of a UUID.
A 128 bit UUID containing 32 hexadecimal digits in five groups separated by hyphens.
Maximum length of the type of playback source.
Maximum length of the source URIs.
Maximum length of the referrer.
See alsoData Structures
Metadata for identifying where a playback request originated from.
See also
_10struct SpSourceInfo {_10 char type;_10 char uri;_10 char expected_track_uri;_10 char referrer;_10};
char | type | The type of playlist/context/UI view that caused this playback to start. Note: If set, this MUST be one of the following strings (unless told otherwise): |
char | uri | The URI of the parent container, if there is one. |
char | expected_track_uri | The URI of the track that is expected to play. |
char | referrer | The view you were in prior to initiating playback. |
PlayOptions passed to SpPlayUriWithOptions
_10struct SpPlayOptions {_10 int from_index;_10 const char *from_uid;_10 int offset_ms;_10 int shuffle_context;_10 const struct SpSourceInfo *source_info;_10};
int | from_index | Track index in the Context from which playback should start. |
const char * | from_uid | The UID to identify a unique track in the context. |
int | offset_ms | The time offset to start playing specified track from. |
int | shuffle_context | Set to enable shuffle mode for the requested playback command. |
const struct SpSourceInfo * | source_info | Metadata about what user action caused this playback event, and the expected result. |
_10SpError SpPlayUri(const char *uri, int index, int offset_ms, const struct SpSourceInfo *source, int alias_index)
Start local playback of any Spotify URI.
This call starts playback of a Spotify URI, such as a playlist, album, artist, or track. Valid Spotify URIs can be obtained via the Spotify Web API. Using this call will 'pull' playback from any other Spotify Connect client active on the same account. Note that there may be a lag between the introduction of new URI types and support for playing them with this call.
[in] | const char * uri | URI of resource (ex: spotify:album:6tSdnCBm5HCAjwNxWfUC7m) |
[in] | int alias_ index | The zero based index of the item to start playing in the resource (for instance, '4' would play the 5th track in a playlist). Set to zero if resource does not have multiple items. In eSDK 3, this can be set to SP_NO_INDEX if no specific index is required. In case of non-shuffled context this will result in first track of the context being played whereas in shuffled context this will result in a random track being played. |
[in] | int offset_ms | The time offset to start playing specified track from. Set to zero to start from the beginning. |
[in] | const struct SpSourceInfo * source | Metadata about what user action caused this playback event, and the expected result. This information is used to correct behavior when the exact request isn't possible, and to enable better recommendations and suggestions for users. This field is optional, but MUST be provided whenever possible. Failure to fill in this data accurately will result in a downgraded Spotify experience. |
[in] | int alias_index | The index of the device alias to start playback on. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. |
Returns an error code
See alsoSpPlayUriWithOptions()
_10SpError SpPlayUriWithOptions(const char *uri, const struct SpPlayOptions *opts, int alias_index)
Play Uri with SpPlayOptions
[in] | const char * uri | The context URI to play. |
[in] | const struct SpPlayOptions * opts | The options to apply to the play command. |
[in] | int alias_index | Device alias index. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlayContextUri(const char *uri, const char *from_uid, int offset_ms, const struct SpSourceInfo *source, int alias_index)
Start local playback of any Spotify URI with an optional track UID.
This call will start playback of any Spotify context URI. In addition, it allows the client to provide a UID to start the playback from a given track in the context. The main difference between UIDs and the expected_track_uri parameter in SpPlayUri is that while one track URI can occur more than once in the context, UIDs are unique for each track in it. Valid Spotify URIs can be obtained via the Spotify Web API. Track UIDs are currently available when resolving contexts from a small subset of services. Using this call will 'pull' playback from any other Spotify Connect client active on the same account.
[in] | const char * uri | URI of resource (ex: spotify:album:6tSdnCBm5HCAjwNxWfUC7m) |
[in] | const char * from_uid | The UID to identify a unique track in the context. |
[in] | int offset_ms | The time offset to start playing specified track from. Set to zero to start from the beginning. |
[in] | const struct SpSourceInfo * source | Metadata about what user action caused this playback event, and the expected result. This information is used to correct behavior when the exact request isn't possible, and to enable better recommendations and suggestions for users. This field is optional, but MUST be provided whenever possible. Failure to fill in this data accurately will result in a downgraded Spotify experience. |
[in] | int alias_index | The index of the device alias to start playback on. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpQueueUri(const char *uri)
Queue a URI. The track will be in queue only after kSpPlaybackNotifyQueuedTrackAccepted event is raised, but for UI purposes one can choose to monitor for kSpPlaybackNotifyMetadataChanged instead.
[in] | const char * uri | URI to queue. |
Returns an error code.
_10SpError SpPlaybackBecomeActiveDevice(int alias_index)
Become active without starting to play.
alias_index The index of the device alias that should become active. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. This call makes the device active, without starting to play anything, if playback is paused or no device is active. The device is active after the kSpPlaybackNotifyBecameActive event is received. If another Connect-enabled device was active and playing, it will be interrupted. If the currently active device is playing, this call behaves like SpPlaybackPlay If device aliases are used, this function will switch the selected alias. If the selected alias was changed during playback, the playback will continue uninterrupted with the new alias.
[in] | int alias_index | The index of the device alias that should become active. If aliases aren't used, pass -1. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpPlayPresetEx(int preset_id, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buff_size, int relative_index, uint32_t offset_ms, const struct SpSourceInfo *source, int alias_index)
Extension for SpPlayPreset: Play a saved preset from different position, optionally with source info.
Note: This is an experimental extension, and is not guaranteed to be stable.
[in] | int preset_id | Same as |
Returns an error code
See alsoStorage
_10#include "spotify_embedded_storage.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpDiskStorageCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDataCacheCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackStorageAlloc | Callback to allocate space for resource being stored. Each successful alloc call is accompanied with corresponding close call. It is obligatory for the user to use this callback to reserve actual space on device media for the key specified. |
SpCallbackStorageWrite | Callback for writing the data into storage. Before writing to the storage eSDK does one of two things: call alloc to reserve space for future write or call read to get the data. After that eSDK writes the data into storage. Once write is fully complete eSDK calls close callback. |
SpCallbackStorageRead | Callback for reading the data. Once eSDK read all required data close callback is called to notify the user that data handle referenced by storage_key can be closed. |
SpCallbackStorageClose | Callback to inform the user that data handle referenced by storage_key can be closed. |
SpCallbackStorageDelete | Callback to inform the user that data referenced by storage_key should be deleted from storage. |
SpCallbackThrottleRequest | eSDK calls this callback to figure out if it needs to limit write access to the storage. |
Return to header index
SpRegisterStorageCallbacks | Register storage callbacks. |
Data Structures
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterDataCacheCallbacks
Storage callbacks must be either all NULLs or all valid pointers. Throttle callback maybe be NULL regardless of storage callbacks value. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpDiskStorageCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackStorageAlloc alloc_storage;_10 SpCallbackStorageWrite write_storage;_10 SpCallbackStorageRead read_storage;_10 SpCallbackStorageClose close_storage;_10 SpCallbackStorageDelete delete_storage;_10 SpCallbackThrottleRequest throttle_request;_10};
SpCallbackStorageAlloc | alloc_storage | Alloc storage record callback. |
SpCallbackStorageWrite | write_storage | Write storage data callback. |
SpCallbackStorageRead | read_storage | Read storage data callback. |
SpCallbackStorageClose | close_storage | Close storage record callback. |
SpCallbackStorageDelete | delete_storage | Delete storage record callback. |
SpCallbackThrottleRequest | throttle_request | Asks client if disk writes needs to be throttled. |
_10typedef enum SpCallbackStorageAlloc)(const char *storage_key, uint32_t total_size, void *context)
Callback to allocate space for resource being stored. Each successful alloc call is accompanied with corresponding close call. It is obligatory for the user to use this callback to reserve actual space on device media for the key specified.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDiskStorageCallbacks
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record |
[in] | uint32_t total_size | The full resource size in bytes or 0 if size is not known. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback. |
- The allocation of space should be done in the way that following read and write operations will succeed within the specified resource size.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackStorageWrite)(const char *storage_key, uint32_t offset, const void *data, uint32_t data_size, void *context)
Callback for writing the data into storage. Before writing to the storage eSDK does one of two things: call alloc to reserve space for future write or call read to get the data. After that eSDK writes the data into storage. Once write is fully complete eSDK calls close callback.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDiskStorageCallbacks
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record |
[in] | uint32_t offset | The offset in bytes in the resource we are writing to. |
[in] | const void * data | A pointer to the buffer containing the data to be written to storage. |
[in] | uint32_t data_size | The number of bytes to be written to the storage. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. Offset field must always be respected on write operation. Application should consume whole data in the call.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackStorageRead)(const char *storage_key, uint32_t offset, void *data, uint32_t data_size, void *context)
Callback for reading the data. Once eSDK read all required data close callback is called to notify the user that data handle referenced by storage_key can be closed.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDiskStorageCallbacks
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record |
[in] | uint32_t offset | The offset eSDK are reading from. |
[out] | void * data | A pointer to the buffer that receives the data read from storage. |
[in] | uint32_t data_size | The number bytes to read. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. If no storage read is possible, just return 0.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackStorageClose)(const char *storage_key, void *context)
Callback to inform the user that data handle referenced by storage_key can be closed.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDiskStorageCallbacks
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback. This callback would be called for any successful Alloc. For any resource open caused by Read/Write API calls.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackStorageDelete)(const char *storage_key, void *context)
Callback to inform the user that data referenced by storage_key should be deleted from storage.
To register this callback, use the function SpRegisterDiskStorageCallbacks
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
- If the deletion operation is expected to take some time the application shall return kSpAPITryAgain for the duration of the operation and kSpAPINoError once it has been completed. It is important to not block execution of eSDK for prolonged periods (ideally less than 10ms). This callback can be called for literally any storage_key.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackThrottleRequest)(const char *storage_key, void *context)
eSDK calls this callback to figure out if it needs to limit write access to the storage.
[in] | const char * storage_key | Storage key identifying the record. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed when registering the callback. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10SpError SpRegisterStorageCallbacks(struct SpDiskStorageCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register storage callbacks.
[in] | struct SpDiskStorageCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10#include "spotify_embedded_tls.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpTLSCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterTLSCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackTLSInit | This callback is invoked by eSDK to let the TLS library integration perform any one-time initialization. |
SpCallbackTLSDeinit | This callback is invoked by eSDK to let the TLS library integration perform deallocation of resource during teardown. |
SpCallbackTLSCreate | This callback is invoked once in the beginning of every TLS connection. |
SpCallbackTLSHandshake | This callback is invoked by eSDK to perform the TLS handshake. |
SpCallbackTLSRead | This callback is invoked by eSDK to read data on a TLS connection. |
SpCallbackTLSWrite | This callback is invoked by eSDK to write data on a TLS connection. |
SpCallbackTLSClose | This callback should clean up any resources allocated in the connect callback. |
SpCallbackTLSGetError | Callback invoked to get an error message for the last error. |
Return to header index
SpRegisterTLSCallbacks | Register TLS-related callbacks. |
SpTLSAddCARootCert | Add root certificate to the eSDK TLS stack. |
SpTLSFreeCARootCerts | Remove all certificates loaded on the TLS stack and frees the memory used by them. |
Data Structures
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterTLSCallbacks
None of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpTLSCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackTLSInit init;_10 SpCallbackTLSDeinit deinit;_10 SpCallbackTLSCreate create;_10 SpCallbackTLSHandshake handshake;_10 SpCallbackTLSRead read;_10 SpCallbackTLSWrite write;_10 SpCallbackTLSClose close;_10 SpCallbackTLSGetError get_error;_10};
SpCallbackTLSInit | init | Callback that performs one-time initialization. |
SpCallbackTLSDeinit | deinit | Callback that performs release of resources allocated during init. |
SpCallbackTLSCreate | create | Callback invoked once per connection to initialize TLS context. |
SpCallbackTLSHandshake | handshake | Callback invoked repeatedly to perform the TLS handshake. |
SpCallbackTLSRead | read | Callback for reading from the TLS data stream. |
SpCallbackTLSWrite | write | Callback for writing to the TLS data stream. |
SpCallbackTLSClose | close | Callback invoked to cleanup any TLS context before closing the socket. |
SpCallbackTLSGetError | get_error | Callback invoked to get an error message for the last error. |
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSInit)(void *context)
This callback is invoked by eSDK to let the TLS library integration perform any one-time initialization.
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSDeinit)(void *context)
This callback is invoked by eSDK to let the TLS library integration perform deallocation of resource during teardown.
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSCreate)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, const char *hostname, void *context)
This callback is invoked once in the beginning of every TLS connection.
The callback receives a socket via the pointer to SpSocketHandle that is already connected to the remote peer. This callback should typically allocate and setup all TLS related resources. The tls field of the SpSocketHandle should be used to store any connection specific state that is needed.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | const char * hostname | Hostname of the remote peer. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSHandshake)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback is invoked by eSDK to perform the TLS handshake.
The callback is invoked repeatedly to perform the handshake. This callback is invoked repeatedly as long as it returns kSpAPITryAgain The peer verification is mandatory and the implementation of this callback must validate the peer certificate against a list of trusted CA certificates. Should return kSpAPIGenericError is the handshake failed. Any specific information about the reason for the failure will be returned in the SpCallbackTLSGetError call.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application must not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSRead)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *buf, size_t len, size_t *actual, void *context)
This callback is invoked by eSDK to read data on a TLS connection.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | void * buf | Pointer to buffer for the data to be received. |
[in] | size_t len | The size of the buffer (in bytes). |
[out] | size_t * actual | Actual number of bytes received. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef enum SpCallbackTLSWrite)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, const void *buf, size_t len, size_t *actual, void *context)
This callback is invoked by eSDK to write data on a TLS connection.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | const void * buf | Pointer to buffer with data to be written. |
[in] | size_t len | Number of bytes of data in buffer. |
[out] | size_t * actual | Number of byte actually written. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackTLSClose)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, void *context)
This callback should clean up any resources allocated in the connect callback.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10typedef int(* SpCallbackTLSGetError)(struct SpSocketHandle *socket, char *buf, size_t len, void *context)
Callback invoked to get an error message for the last error.
The implementation of this callback should put a error message in the form of a zero-terminated string in the buffer pointed to by buf. This error message should describe the latest error returned by any of the other callback functions.
[in] | struct SpSocketHandle * socket | Pointer to eSDK socket already connected to the remote peer. |
[in] | char * buf | Pointer to buffer that will receive the error message. |
[in] | size_t len | Length of the buffer. |
[in] | void * context | Context provided in callback register function. |
- The application should not block or call other API functions in the callback.
_10SpError SpRegisterTLSCallbacks(struct SpTLSCallbacks *callbacks, void *context)
Register TLS-related callbacks.
[in] | struct SpTLSCallbacks * callbacks | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. All pointers must be valid. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
Notes:- A call to this function has to be performed before SpInit is called. Calling this function when eSDK is initialized will fail with kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized The function will return kSpErrorUnsupported in the eSDK configurations with built-in TLS.
_10SpError SpTLSAddCARootCert(const uint8_t *certificate, size_t length, int *underlying_error)
Add root certificate to the eSDK TLS stack.
eSDK uses TLS secured HTTPS connections to download media files from CDN (Content Delivery Network) servers. The servers that CDN providers use are using certificates from common Certificate Authorities (CA). eSDK cannot read Certificate Authority (CA) root certificates from the operating system, but the integration has to provide the certificates. The purpose of this function is to provide eSDK the CA root certificates which eSDK needs. As an example, integration can use the CA certificate bundle from Mozilla: https://curl.se/docs/caextract.html
[in] | const uint8_t * certificate | Either a binary DER certificate or a string with a PEM-format certificate. |
Returns kSpErrorInvalidArgument if the certificate could not be parsed kSpErrorAlreadyInitialized if the function is called between SpInit and SpFree. If the return value is kSpErrorInvalidArgument and underlying_error is non-NULL, there will be an error code from the underlying TLS stack (currently MbedTLS) returned in *underlying_error.
Notes:- If the buffer is a PEM-format certificate, it must be NULL-terminated.
- If the buffer is a PEM-format certificate, this length must include the NULL termination.
- Calls to this function have to be performed before SpInit is called or after SpFree
_10SpError SpTLSFreeCARootCerts(void)
Remove all certificates loaded on the TLS stack and frees the memory used by them.
kSpErrorUnavailable if the function is called between SpInit and SpFree.
_10#include "spotify_embedded_token.h"
Data Structures
Return to header index
SpTokenCallbacks | Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterTokenCallbacks |
Return to header index
SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAccessToken | Callback to deliver the access token requested by SpConnectionRequestAccessToken |
SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAuthCode | Callback to deliver the access token requested by SpConnectionRequestAuthCode |
Return to header index
SpRegisterTokenCallbacks | Register token callbacks. |
SpConnectionRequestAccessToken | Request an access token for the logged in user. |
SpConnectionRequestAuthCode | Request an authorization code for the logged in user. |
Data Structures
Callbacks to be registered with SpRegisterTokenCallbacks
Any of the pointers may be NULL. See the documentation of the callback typedefs for information about the individual callbacks.
_10struct SpTokenCallbacks {_10 SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAccessToken on_access_token;_10 SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAuthCode on_auth_code;_10};
SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAccessToken | on_access_token | Access token event callbacks. |
SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAuthCode | on_auth_code | Authorization code event callbacks. |
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAccessToken)(const char *token_json, int error, void *context)
Callback to deliver the access token requested by SpConnectionRequestAccessToken
[in] | const char * token_json | A serialized JSON object containing the access token or an empty string if error is != 0. See Notes below. |
[in] | int error | An internal error code or 0 on success. The token in token_json is only valid if this is 0. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed then the callback was registered. |
- The JSON object looks as follows: "accessToken":"tokendata", "expiresIn":expiryinseconds,//typically3600 "tokenType":"tokentype"//typically"Bearer"
_10typedef void(* SpCallbackConnectionReceiveAuthCode)(const char *token_json, int error, void *context)
Callback to deliver the access token requested by SpConnectionRequestAuthCode
[in] | const char * token_json | A serialized JSON object containing the access token or an empty string if error is != 0. See Notes below. |
[in] | int error | An internal error code or 0 on success. The token in token_json is only valid if this is 0. |
[in] | void * context | Context pointer that was passed then the callback was registered. |
- The JSON object looks as follows: "code":"tokendata", "redirectUri":"someUri"
_10SpError SpRegisterTokenCallbacks(struct SpTokenCallbacks *cb, void *context)
Register token callbacks.
[in] | struct SpTokenCallbacks * cb | Structure with pointers to individual callback functions. Any of the pointers in the structure may be NULL. |
[in] | void * context | Application-defined pointer that will be passed unchanged as the context argument to the callbacks. |
Returns an error code
_10SpError SpConnectionRequestAccessToken(const char *scope)
Request an access token for the logged in user.
scope A comma-separated list of scopes for the resulting access token. See https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/concepts/scopes/
[in] | const char * scope | A comma-separated list of scopes for the resulting access token. See https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/concepts/scopes/ |
_10SpError SpConnectionRequestAuthCode(const char *scope)
Request an authorization code for the logged in user.
[in] | const char * scope | A comma-separated list of scopes for the resulting access token. See https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/concepts/scopes/ |
- The string scope must not be longer than 425 characters.