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Ads API •References / reports / Get CSV Report Status by ID

Get CSV Report Status by ID

Returns the status of a CSV report and its download URL (once available). The report_id can be found in the response from calling the Create Async Report endpoint.


  • ad_account_id
    string [uuid]

    A unique identifier for an Ad Account.

    Example: ce4ff15e-f04d-48b9-9ddf-fb3c85fbd57a
  • report_id
    string [uuid]

    A unique identifier for a report ID.

    Example: ce4ff15e-f04d-48b9-9ddf-fb3c85fbd57a


The status of a CSV report and its download URL (once available).

  • status

    The status that represents the state of the report.

    Allowed values: "PROCESSING", "READY", "EXPIRED", "FAILED"Example: "READY"
  • submitted_at
    string [date-time]

    Time is in ISO 8601 format.

    Example: "2021-01-23T04:56:07Z"
  • completed_at
    string [date-time]

    Time is in ISO 8601 format.

    Example: "2021-01-23T04:57:07Z"
  • report_url
    string [uri]

    URL of the CSV report

    Example: ""

Response sample

{  "status": "READY",  "submitted_at": "2021-01-23T04:56:07Z",  "completed_at": "2021-01-23T04:57:07Z",  "report_url": ""}